Monday, July 28, 2008

Three days of the writer 4

Since the real proof is in the work that you do, you'll be extremely busy over the next three days.

I wasn't extremely busy today, but I kept myself pretty busy and put together a package of columns to submit to a syndicator, did a bit more organizing, got rid of a few more books, and wrote a few witty replies to some blogs I follow (see websites below). But now I'm wondering if I wasn't busy enough today. Should I have been doing more? Could I have accomplished more?

And how is the busyness going to be any kind of proof? It's not like I really produce anything. I guess I did produce a package today. Tomorrow I need to produce (or finish producing) the writing/school flyer.

I have no idea what I'm going to do for the third day.

And I always thought that the proof was in the pudding. But I ended up on Ask Yahoo and found this:

Word Detective and other etymology sites pointed out that the phrase originated as "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." It means that the true value or quality of something can only be judged when it's put to use. The meaning is often summed up as "results are what count."

Here's hoping for some results.

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