Friday, April 4, 2008

Accuracy - 4 months and counting

Whatever you've been wishing, hoping and praying for is entirely possible now. There's one teeny, tiny snag: You'll have to actually do something to make it happen. Sitting there in front of the television might be easier, but it won't get you where you want to be.

I was feeling pretty good about this horoscope until I noticed that the dates were Mar 3, 2008 to Aug 27, 2008 - I'm supposed to work hard and avoid sitting in front of the television until August? That is not a TINY snag...that is HUGE! If I can't relax, every once in a while, and pretend that my big mop of a hairdo looks just like Carrie's from Sex and the City, and that I am not twice (maybe three) times her size and would look just as good in clothes with crazy flowers and my bra straps showing .... I'm not sure life is worth living.

Yes, I want to BE places. But Carrie does nothing but eat, drink and shop for shoes and she seems to be doing ok. Why do I have to be productive?

It hardly seems fair.


Chip Duford said...

Carrie is also a fictional character, don't forget. She's a writer, right? Can they really afford to buy all the shoes and whatnot of their salaries?

Am I the only one that found it hard to believe that a coffee house waitress and up-and-coming chef can afford a HUGE apartment in the West Village?!?! They weren't old enough to have the apartment be rent controlled. Maybe Rachel and Monica were in an illegal sublet. THAT never happens in New York!

Yes .. I refer to the sitcom Friends.

And that I stayed across the street from the apartment building used in the exterior shots for the show.

It's - NOT - R-E-A-L!!!

Nothing is real in New York!

Can't WAIT to get out to L.A.

Stacey said...

You can't wait to get to LA where everything is...real? As opposed to New York?

And, since my husband was obsessed with Courtney Cox and we watched every episode of Friends from the veeeeeery beginning...I know that the apartment was rent-controlled because it had belonged to Monica's grandmother.

And Carrie was obviously fictional. Writers cant' afford Payless, let alone Manolo.