Sunday, April 6, 2008

You can't make me admit it's right

Pondering your life's meaning and purpose will lead you to an amazing insight and boost your sense of hope and promise. You'll be able to get a fresh perspective on everything from your love life to your career.

The LAST thing I want to do is ponder my life's meaning and purpose, I'm seriously afraid I just won't find that my life has either. My purpose, these days, is to drive my kids around and do various other mom-related activities and I hate to admit this, but it's getting kinda boring. I love my kids, and am hoping they grow up to be adults that other people will like, but I'm over the "mom" thing.

God, that sounds horrible. It is horrible. I'm horrible.

Gee, so glad I'm pondering.

Please don't stop reading because I'm depressed. I'm not, I swear. I planned a Chick Night for next weekend and thought of a great name for the Evil Character in my novel, and figured out some stuff for the screenplay. Also figured out that I am getting sick and tired of having stuff that I'm "going to" write. I know why I don't write it, I'm afraid it will be bad. At this point I don't care if it's bad, I just want to get it written.

Hmmm .... maybe that's my sense of hope and promise.

I hate it when that happens.