Saturday, August 2, 2008

Don't tease me, Baby 5

The best of your triumphs is yet to come, but don't try to predict what it will be.

Come on!

A little hint?

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

How about if I don't try to guest WHAT it will be, you - dear Universe - let me know WHEN it's going to happen? That way at least I'll be a little bit prepared: hair colored, teeth whitened, house clean, babysitters lined up, etc.

Seriously, "yet to come" is so vague. I know you can do better than that. 2008? 2009? 2010? Am I going to "hit it" when I'm 80?

And it's not that I don't believe you, because I do. I have to admit, for a while there I was starting to think that I had already peaked, that my 15 minutes of minor fame were all I was going to get. But I know there's more than that. I know it's really about the fun of creating, the joy of working with people and helping them succeed as well. So there's got to be more, because that's the stuff I kind of ignored before. I get it. I paid attention.

How about one little clue?


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