Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Your attention please 7

It's a good time for you to pay more attention to the areas of your life that you have been neglecting for awhile -- a long forgotten project, a needy neighbor, or a faraway friend. They may be out of sight and out of mind, but they still need your attention.

Definitely reminded of a forgotten project today, when I got an email from an agent who thinks my books looks "cute" but it's not for her. It's not long forgotten; I've been trying to rewrite the beginning and a perfect segue popped into my head the other day. I wrote it in a little notebook which has been lying open on my nightstand for three days now.

So I guess that's two reminders that it's time to pay more attention to my neglected book. Though what else have I been neglecting? Or who? I have lots of faraway friends, do I start calling or emailing and asking which one of them needs me?

Nothing obvious comes to mind and I feel like it should! Don't tell me to focus my attention but not tell me where, Universe. That's hardly fair. Though I was reminded of another project today; maybe that's it.

It can't be it.

The project is a screenplay and I'm a former radio personality and current soccer mom in Michigan with no connections and no agent and there's no way that even if I finish the thing anyone else is going to look at it.

But of course, that's what I'll be working on for the rest of the evening.

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