Sunday, August 24, 2008

Memory lapse in judgment 7

You're more equipped than ever to accomplish what you were striving for long ago. Now what was it again? As soon as you remember, you'll make quick work of attaining the goal.

Oh, for Pete's sake!

When I was in Jr. High my best friend and I aspired to be lady truck drivers. Is that it? I really don't see semi school in my future - and why did I consider that a goal back then? I may have been 13 but I wasn't an idiot. Actually, I probably was. Idiotic enough to think that driving a truck was the best possible way to get out of my one-horse town. I was in the Honor Society, I really should have known better.

So what was I striving for? Is someone going to offer me a job tomorrow that requires me to sleep in, go to the spa, watch TV, watch someone ELSE clean my house and then write about it? Because that's the goal, baby. Oh, and it should pay REALLY well.

Guess I'm not any smarter now than I was when I was 13 after all. Not sure how I'm now more equipped to accomplish this, but I'm willing to go with it.

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