Sunday, August 3, 2008

Where's my checkbook? 9

Your financial situation is looking good, right now, but is it too good to be true? Making bold investment moves might be exciting right now, but you still need to take your time. Read things through, and be very careful. You worked hard for your money, so you have to work hard to make sure it will grow.

So I see you've been checking out the books on my nightstand, Universe. Over the weekend (while recovering from the back episode) I read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Elker. I am definitely guilty of #14 - Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well. Though I am really not a mismanager, I am an Avoider. And I avoid managing money because I don't think I have enough to manage. As he points out (on page 147) "Until you show you can handle what you've got, you won't get any more!"

OMG! I'm a parent, I should know that lesson. If my kids can't handle something I certainly don't give them MORE of it. Now I feel like I've been living like a crazy person.

At this time I don't have enough for any "bold investment moves," but I do need to start managing what I do have better. This is very unfamiliar territory for me. Thanks for watching out for me, Universe.

Though I'd still like to know when my big triumph is going to arrive (see yesterday's 'scope). Will it be learning how to manage the money I don't have yet? Darn! I'm not supposed to be trying to figure out WHAT it is. This is harder than waiting for Christmas!

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