Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What to wear? What to wear? 2

You're aching to get training in a certain area, but the price for this has been unaffordable. Finally this changes.

Hmmmm, what have I been aching to get training in? Lots of things, but no teachers were knocking down my door today. I did get a call for another audition, which leads me to...

Audition Update #1 - One line, one chance

Thought I totally pulled off the look of suburban wife and mom who is distraught over the thought of losing broadband. Went in with my husband, Jerome, and my daughter, Arola (at least I think that's her name). We ran through it once. Once. They said thanks and moved us right along. Now I KNOW that other groups did it more than once, because all of us sitting in the waiting room heard them through the wall, so WTF? I thought we did a really good job, so maybe they saw all they needed to see. But why not give us another shot too?

I walked out with Jerome and told him my theory: that they were so impressed with us they didn't need to see any more. He responded with a positive "See you at the shoot!" The shoot is next week, so we should know soon.

Got a call for another audition tomorrow. Different agency, different format. I have to look corporate and "classy." Also got a call for a job interview on Thursday, although I am not holding out hope that it's anything I want to do because the very young-sounding assistant said "All you need to bring is your resume. And dress professionally."

Do people need to be told to dress professionally when they are going to a job interview? Are they dressing like they're headed for a barbecue?

Never mind; don't answer that.

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