You're in the habit of being hard on yourself. That's why you consistently turn in fine work, are a terrific friend and have relationships that do you proud. Tonight go easy on yourself.
Hard to go easy on myself today. Heard from the potential documentary investor - she can't do it. Also found out that my first magazine article appeared ... with someone else's byline. Then I spent all evening working on a project for the website and it didn't save -- twice!
I'm feeling like Bad Luck Schleprock today. Remember him from The Flintstones - constantly walking around with a cloud over his head? Thing is, I don't WANT to feel this way. Karen and I finished - FINISHED - the play this morning. I want to feel happy about that. I want to feel joyous. I want The Power of Positive Thinking to be real.
Though I guess this would be the real test. Can I continue to think positive while facing a bunch of setbacks? I think I can. I've got a couple good ideas to work on in the next few weeks, my back is feeling better and I spent the afternoon laughing hysterically with my son as he read a book backwards.
What's more positive than that?
So thanks, Universe, for the astrological pat on the back. But I think I'm doing fine on my own today.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Universe says relax 9
Monday, July 28, 2008
Three days of the writer 4
Since the real proof is in the work that you do, you'll be extremely busy over the next three days.
I wasn't extremely busy today, but I kept myself pretty busy and put together a package of columns to submit to a syndicator, did a bit more organizing, got rid of a few more books, and wrote a few witty replies to some blogs I follow (see websites below). But now I'm wondering if I wasn't busy enough today. Should I have been doing more? Could I have accomplished more?
And how is the busyness going to be any kind of proof? It's not like I really produce anything. I guess I did produce a package today. Tomorrow I need to produce (or finish producing) the writing/school flyer.
I have no idea what I'm going to do for the third day.
And I always thought that the proof was in the pudding. But I ended up on Ask Yahoo and found this:
Word Detective and other etymology sites pointed out that the phrase originated as "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." It means that the true value or quality of something can only be judged when it's put to use. The meaning is often summed up as "results are what count."
Here's hoping for some results.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
She can't bring home the bacon 8
You may be in a spiritual funk because you recognize the vast gulf between human potential and what we actually do with it. Your dreams feel very alive now, yet their clarity also accentuates where reality falls short. Instead of spending your time detailing everything that's wrong with your life, your family or the world, shift your attention onto what works. Then, rather than trying to change what's unchangeable, improve on what you can.
This feels uncomfortably close to what I was thinking as I drove home 4 1/2 hours - alone - from dropping Daughter and Other Skaters off at camp in Ohio. I feel very scattered these days and can't figure out where to focus my energy. I keep hoping that I'll get some kind of sign that will be so obvious that even I will be able to figure out "Oh! I should get back to that chapter book!"
So far, nothin.
So I decided on the drive home that I would just keep working at everything. Work on one thing a day. See what sticks. Or, according to my 'scope, see what I can improve on.
But what if I don't improve on anything? And, if I'm honest, I'm not really looking for a sign as to what I should be working on, I'm looking for a sign as to what to work on that will bring me an income. I've got lots of great, fun, interesting projects, but none of them are bringing home any bacon.
I need bacon.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Will the real Stacey please stand up? 2
You're not beholden to anyone and only have to please yourself. Remember, when it comes to being you, you're the master.
I'm pretty sure no one can be me better than I can, (and why they'd even want to is a whole other question) but I'm not sure how that keeps me from being beholden to anyone. I'm not even sure that being the master of being me is a way to please myself. If I really wanted to please myself I'd be a master at being someone richer, thinner, and more talented.
Universe, you are playing with my mind today.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thank you, I'll be here all week! 7
Look up the word 'glib' in the dictionary, and don't be surprised to see your picture there. Yes, your verbal skills will definitely be the stuff that legends are made of.
I don't know if I was glib or legendary today, but I was funny enough to make the cable guy nearly do a spit take.
It was a dark and stormy night ... no, it was a hot and sunny day and the cable guy showed up to see why my Internet and phone have been going off and on since Sunday. He had to get out a ladder and fix something on the lines outside then came back inside to make sure everything was working. I got him a glass of water because it was really hot out. As he was filling out the paper work he said, "I hope the next job goes this easy."
Me: Oh, this was easy?
CG: Oh yeah, I wish they were all like this.
Me: Good, I like being the easy one. At least when it comes to cable.
Cut to CG trying not to spit water all over the coffee table. Hee hee.
You have no messages (Thurs) 0
A message will arrive that confirms what you suspected, which will empower you to make final decisions that work in your best interests. The Aries Moon will deliver money from an unexpected source, which will take the pressure off after some recent careless spending.
No message today, not that I was home to get it. Took Daughter to the orthodontist in the morning, then we picked up some of the kids' friends and went to the zoo. It was a beautiful day. Got home all hot and sweaty and covered in melted snow cones, ate dinner and headed out to watch Husband play softball. Phone and Internet were out all afternoon and evening (at least while we were home), so unless someone was sending a message by carrier pigeon I wasn't going to get it. No money from an unexpected source - as usual - I'm really getting tired of that promise. Though my only "careless" spending lately was this morning when I splurged on a bottle of purple-black nail polish. I know, call me crazy!
I am waiting on a message; I have so many "if" projects and I just don't know which one to work on. Obviously I want to work on the one that's going to get me the fastest and most financially lucrative return.
So, Universe, what am I supposed to be doing? I'll accept yesterday's message today and won't even charge you a late fee.
Oh, and I'll take the money today too.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Everything old is new again (Wed) 9
You might have an exciting idea about a new way to make money with today's Aries Moon in your 2nd House of Income. But don't latch onto any big plans, for over-analyzing one thought can actually prevent you from having the next brilliant idea. If you assume there is an infinite supply of practical thoughts, then this may be your opportunity to let them flow without having to turn one into an instant winner.
Whoa! I woke up at 5:30 am with an idea for a school program and it was running through my head so loudly I had to get up and start working on it. And I must have been over-analyzing it because I did not have another brilliant idea all day! Darn it!
I have a hard time with the idea of an infinite supply of practical thoughts. Every time I think of something that voice in my head (Evie - you scamp) says "Some one's probably already thought of that." I used to be more confident about my ideas.
I used to be more confident about a lot of things.
I used to be the girl that shouted "Let's put on a show in the Johnson's barn! My mom can make curtains!" And next thing you know there'd be a show and an audience and everyone would have a great time. In fact, while cleaning out my basement I've stumbled across some of my old ideas and they're not bad. Maybe it was just the timing. Maybe I should pull those old ideas out - now that I know more - and try to get them out into the light of day.
Hey, maybe those OLD ideas were the brilliant ones that I wasn't supposed to get in the way of!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Freaky Tuesday 7
With one chirpy 'good morning!' you will be able to turn a frown into a smile -- and get a rush from your ensuing sense of power. Spread your bright demeanor to strangers and friends alike, and make it a great day.
I see you've been peeking into my windows again, Universe. I'm reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale right now and did make a conscious effort today to remain positive -- even when crazy things were happening.
Daughter and I waited, at 6:30 am, for her ride to skating but realized at 6:40 am that they weren't going to show. So I jumped in the car and drove her to the rink. She called me as I was driving home, her coach wasn't at the rink!
Then just as I was getting ready to head out and read my book at a day camp the power went out!
Then - and this may be the freakiest of all - I went to my writing partner's house with a bottle of wine and we got so involved in writing that we forgot to drink it!
I know!
Turns out I had screwed up on the skating issue (no surprise there) and our carpool knew the coach wouldn't be there and slept in. The power came back on around 2:30 pm, and Karen and I actually got a lot of work done. I think it's because I refused to be defeated by the day's events. At one point, as we sat in the dark house unable to cook anything for lunch, Daughter said "This is a bad day."
"It's just a weird day," I said.
It reminds me of when Daughter was 3 and obsessed with watching The Wizard of Oz. She watched it every single day, even though she was terrified of the witch. So Husband and I had to make sure one of us was in the room each and every time the witch made her first appearance so we could put Daughter at ease by saying, "She's not bad. She's just misunderstood."
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monthly Dues 2
Your initiation into a private group is not formal, but it's real. You pass, just by being yourself and taking the same actions you would take for anyone.
I really thought this had some exciting possibilities when I read it this morning, but - again - nothin. Seriously, Universe, aren't you getting a little tired of teasing me? There must be something else you could be doing. And don't say I deserve it because I'm the one giving you a rating. Have you checked your numbers lately? Not so good.
Why am I taunting the Universe?
I'm trying to think of any groups I may have informally joined today. Was I inducted into something in absentia? (I've always wanted to work in absentia into a sentence. I can't believe it just happened!) Perhaps I was just now inducted into the group of People Who Use Legal Terms Needlessly.
I hope Elle Woods is here.
I'm killing myself! Legal terms AND pop culture references.
Sunday - #*&% this! 6
You have the opportunity to experience something you never have before. This is most likely something you'll only do once, because once is enough. Revel in your bit of unforgettable fun.
Wow, I did do something where "once is enough" but it was actually the second time I've done it. Husband and I went to the Kid Rock concert.
I shouldn't be so quick to judge. The man (Kid Rock, not Husband) has taken being an unattractive white trash wannabe Rock Star and turned it into a darn good show and a multimillion dollar business. Who am I to judge? DTE was sold out and everyone was having a fabulous time. He incorporates nearly every style of music so there's a little something for everyone. On this tour he is accompanied by Rev Run of Run DMC and they did a Run DMC medley at the end of the show for those of us who thought we were oh-so-hip in the early 80's.
One thing bothers me. He uses a LOT of foul language - I believe he studied at the George Carlin School of How to Write a Rock Song - and there were tons of people there with their children. I don't blame him for that. Once he puts a song out there it's up to the people who hear it what they want to do with it; including sharing it with their children.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Congratulations! It's a .... 6
If you listen closely to what others are saying today, you'll gain amazing insight under the Capricorn full Moon. Internal conflicts or power struggles can be eliminated if you just accept conditions as they are and trust that the Universe will change things in due time.
The only person I really heard today said that my writing is smart and funny. But also a little negative. I can see that. I'm a little cynical, I'll cop to it. But I do want the reader to finish reading feeling better about themselves, and me, so I need to do some work.
Can't think about writing today, though, I'm deep in the throes of basement cleaning. It's quite addicting. I've been throwing things out like crazy, including all my old - and negative - journals. I'm not thrilled to find that I'm still writing about the same issues at 44 that I was writing about at 24. Yikes.
And so, Universe, I AM accepting things as they are: I'm unemployable, smart and funny but negative, and unable to raise money for a documentary. I wouldn't mind knowing when "due" time is, though. In my experience, the first time you hear "due" the time frame is 9 months. I'm praying that is not the case now.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It's a good thing 8
If you're a homebody right now, that's a good thing!
I have been a total homebody. To the point of hiding out in my basement. I'm tired of babysitting my cell phone and email, just waiting for a job, an investor, anyone to contact me and cleaning out the basement is keeping me busy. And I'm actually accomplishing something. It feels pretty good to throw stuff out and get the rest of it organized. It feels great to walk into a spacious, not crowded, laundry room.
It feels good to let my mind relax too. My mind has been running about 100 mph since last winter and trying to actually give something some thought is like trying to enter a speeding highway. I needed to slow down and not think about anything, but be doing something at the same time. If that makes any sense.
So thank you, my Martha Stewart Horoscope, for letting me know I'm on to a 'good thing.'
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I repeat, Show me the Money 0
A windfall that comes your way will allow you to pursue more creative interests in your spare time while still catching up on financial obligations.
These are the 'scopes that drive me crazy. Is EVERY Pisces on the planet getting a windfall today? Even if that windfall is only $1 per Pisces, that's a pretty mighty check for the Universe to be writing. Apparently one it can't cash. I got nothin' today.
Monday, July 14, 2008
When you wish upon a star 4
A magical energy will follow you around this week, thanks to your tarot card, the Star. If you make a wish, it's bound to come true!
Really. No, that's not a questioning "really" - it's a "really" dripping with so much sarcasm it could be wrung out like a washcloth. Or "warshcloth" as my mother-in-law says. It's funny, my grandma always said it that way too.
I do have energy, even though I also have incredible pain. My back is killing me, but I'm determined to clean out and organize my house. I started this morning with the basement. Cleaned out my prize closet, then started on the laundry room -- a big job.
Here's a question: what do you do with old awards and plaques? It seems almost ungrateful to throw them out "Thanks a lot, Red Cross, but I really don't need your Volunteer of the Year 1998 plaque anymore." (I wasn't really the Red Cross Volunteer of the Year in 1998; I don't know if they even give out such an award, but I needed an example and can't remember any of the "honors" sitting in my basement.) They're not just my awards, they belong to Husband too. Apparently he was Employee of the Month more than once. Quite a catch. I'm a lucky girl.
So, what is my wish? If it's going to come true I should be careful when I make it, right? Do I wish for just enough money to pay for skating? Or do I wish for enough money to make the documentary? Or do I give up on being selfish and wish for world peace? Do I wish for a job, so I can keep making money? Do I wish for jobs for everyone so unemployment will go down?
And what about this: IF you make a wish it's bound to come true? Who isn't walking around wishing all the time? I'm wishing so much I'm like that bad joke - a Genie could show up and grant me one wish and I'd say something stupid like, "Wow, this is a big decision. I wish I had more time."
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tell me all your secrets 0
Your self control is at an all time low right now, so if you hear some juicy secret you will probably let it spill -- which could lead to some time in the dog house for you.
I wish that I had heard some juicy secret today. Not because I want to spend time in the dog house, but because today was kind of a boring day and a little juicy gossip would have spiced things right up. And I didn't really talk to anyone today, so it would have been a GREAT day for me to hear gossip because there was no one to repeat it to.
Some days things just don't work out.
S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night! 7
Venus' move into Leo will bring out your fun-loving side for the next six weeks. Wear blue or aqua to generate a sense of peace and balance, especially if you find yourself in the company of strangers tonight.
If my fun-loving side needs to be brought "out" - where the heck has it been? I'm pretty sure that I have liked fun up to today. Does this mean I'm only going to do things that are fun? That I'll get to have more fun? Because I have been looking for fun but it seems harder and harder to find.
I did wear aqua tonight, though not in the company of strangers. We got together with Husband's golfing buddies - all of whom he has worked with or for at one point in his career. We went downstairs to see the host's son play guitar and somehow ended up playing Rock Band with two high school boys. Just Husband and I; the rest of the guests were smart enough to just sit back and watch -- in horror and amazement, I'm sure. I have no idea what the boys thought of the 44-year old woman trying to sing Ballroom Blitz, but I'm pretty sure I saw them biting their lips to keep from laughing.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hope is where the heart is 5
Avoiding extreme situations where everything or nothing goes your way is a wise strategy to ease any anxiety you may be feeling.
There was nothing extreme about today. A day full of drop-offs and pick-ups, laundry, email, cooking, reading and an aching back. Oh, and a little bit of hope.
I went on the synchro boards last week and posted something about the documentary. I've heard from several supportive people and today I talked to a young woman, a former synchro skater, who wants to help. She has some connections on the west side of the state.
I'm almost getting tired of the hope. I feel like George Costanza from Seinfeld (The Fix Up) when he has this conversation with Jerry:
"I don't want hope. Hope is killing me. My dream is to become hopeless. When you're hopeless you don't care. And when you don't care, that indifference makes you attractive."
"So, hopelessness is the key?"
"It's my only hope."
It was a nice day, really. Oh, and I was in the paper too. My friend Karen Buscemi wrote an article that appeared in The Detroit News today - 'Push presents' catch on as a reward for having a baby.
Because of this, I discovered that Husband has a google alert...on HIMSELF! He got alerted about the article and send me a WTF email (I had neglected to warn him about the article). I was cracking up all afternoon. Then I immediately created a google alert for my name.
This is really Thursday - And who's that knocking at my door? 8
There is a wonderful opportunity knocking at your door, so why don't you answer it?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Murophobia 10
Your frustration level increases as someone overtly tries to prevent you from reaching your goals.
It was definitely a frustrating day with someone overtly preventing me from reaching my goals.
That someone was a chipmunk.
My goal today was to start cleaning out and organizing my laundry room in the basement. I went downstairs only to hear a scurrying overhead. I looked up at the ceiling tiles and then the scurrier stopped atop the fluorescent light. I still shudder as I recall the shadow. I couldn't stay in the basement. Ran upstairs and called Husband who called Home Improvement Expert Murray Gula to get the name of the best critter control outfit in metro Detroit. Murray directed us to A & D Animal Control (Lake Orion, MI) and when I called, the sweet and calming Judy said if they couldn't get out today they would definitely be out first thing in the morning.
Or not.
I briefly thought about moving one of the ceiling tiles in the basement and forcing one of the cats in there, but I was afraid that A) the chipmunk would run down my arm while I was moving the ceiling tile or B) the cat is so fat that he would come crashing through one of the ceiling tiles and I'd still have a chipmunk in there only now he's pissed.
I decide to clean upstairs because there's NO way I'm going back into the basement. Then I hear Son yell, "Mom, there's a squirrel in the dining room!"
"That's a chipmunk!" said Daughter.
"It ran into the living room!" yelled son.
I don't even remember dialing Husband's number but the next thing I know he was on the line and I'm screaming "It's in the living room!" into the phone.
"Did you trap it in there?" my always-thinking husband asked.
"Kids!" I yelled downstairs. "Shut the french doors to the living room! Don't let it out!"
(If having french doors on my living room makes me sound rich and obnoxious keep in mind that I also have a chipmunk running through my house)
Husband said "I'm in the car anyway. I'm coming home." I hung up the phone and started grabbing towels out of the closet. I ran downstairs and lay the towels against the bottom of the french doors so it couldn't squeeze out underneath. I could see it in there, flicking its tail, checking out the books on my bookshelf. Judging my reading habits.
I redialed A & D. "Judy," I nearly shrieked into the phone. "It's in my living room."
Judy immediately said she would call and see if one of the very busy guys could get to me today. (Judy, wherever you are, I love you.)
Husband came home and went into the living room with the large push broom from the garage. I could hear him thumping and stomping around. I was upstairs at this point.
"I lost it," Husband reported. "And I have to get back to work." (Note to self: Husband is at his best dispensing advice over the phone, not working with tools.)
Finally Dustin (from A & D) called and asked, "Do you still have a critter in your living room?" I had to admit I didn't know. I claimed to have heard some chirping noises just to make sure he would show up. Of course he showed up. First he did a recon mission. He came out and reported that it was there, hiding in the heat register, and that he would set some traps. "If you haven't caught it by morning, give us a call," he said casually.
If we haven't caught it by morning I'm going to assume it's because the thing escaped and gnawed my face off while I was sleeping.
Dustin left and I put Son on trap-watching duty. "Don't touch the doors," I cautioned. "Just look in there to see if there's anything in the traps."
Approximately 45 minutes later he said, "Mom, good news! It's in the cage. Come see!"
Daughter came running down the stairs, "I want to see!"
I didn't want to see. The children each grabbed a hand and practically pulled me to the door to peek in. Daughter wanted to go in but I refused to open the doors.
Husband came home and took the cage outside; he wanted to set it free. I wouldn't let him. The kids wanted to rehabilitate it and keep it as a pet. Son was convinced he could teach it to sing like Alvin and the Chipmunks.
My skin is still crawling. I have a serious phobia about small critters that scurry. Even when they're not scurrying. Once my cat left me a dead present on my doormat and I had to leave my apartment to get to work. Only one exit. Dead mouse. I was trapped in the apartment. I heard the doorbell ring and there was a college student selling magazine subscriptions.
"How many do I have to buy to get you to get rid of that mouse?" I asked.
The answer: three.
That kid had no idea he could have walked away with my entire paycheck.
One last thing. I am ordering some of this: Shake-Away. But why do they have pictures of the darn things all over the website? I can barely stay on it long enough to enter my credit card number.
And yes, I'd rather have a house that smells like fox pee than a chipmunk.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
How can nothing have a shadow? 0
The wonderful encouragement you now receive just might be hiding something that lurks in the shadows. Don't be too quick when responding to an opportunity. Take your time and move at your own pace.
Well, I guess it's a good thing I didn't get any encouragement, wonderful or otherwise, today. And I'm sorry, Universe, but I'm going to jump on the first opportunity that comes my way like a fat man on a doughnut. What if my "own pace" is quick? Husband always says I'm "Ready, Fire, Aim." But, he also might say, "How's that working out for you?"
Not so great.
I feel like my son in a toy store. He'll pick up a toy off a shelf, "Can I have this?" "No," I say. He picks up another one. "Can I have this?" "No." "Can I have this?" "No." "Can I have this?" "No."
And what's worse is these doors aren't being slammed in my face. I knock on the door of opportunity, show the owner what I've got and they just shake their head with pity in their eyes and slowly shut and lock the door. I'd rather have the slam, at least that's a response.
Enough metaphors. They're not even making sense any more. And neither are my horoscopes. I'm about to give up on you, Universe. Throw me a bone.
Monday, July 7, 2008
I know you are but what am I? 0
You sharpen your skills as your engage in battle with the enemy. But wait -- the relationship is changing before your eyes. Who you thought was your enemy is really your ally.
OK, who over the age of 9 has an "enemy"? And who am I battling? I don't recall any combat today, there wasn't even a scuffle with the teenage boy who walked backwards out of the grocery store right into Son and I.
I can't think of anyone I dislike enough to fight with. Oh, I can think of people I dislike, but I don't feel strongly enough about them to argue, let alone fight. The strongest feeling I have about anyone I've ever disliked is pity. At the end of the day they have to go home and live with themselves.
And that 'scope sounds like something from a bad movie. I'm picturing someone doing battle with their Enemy. They are fighting Ninja-style, and as they punch and kick and gouge each other the Enemy starts morphing into their best friend and they fall into each other's arms sobbing. In my mind this movie is starring Jean Claude Van Damme or Steven Seagal, I have no idea why.
Why is my horoscope for today a bad movie plot? Now I'm wishing I hadn't just ripped the little Pisces paragraph out of the paper; I'd love to check out the rest of the 'scopes and see if anyone got an Oscar-winning plot line. It was probably Libra. They get everything.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Timing is everything 2
Almost effortlessly, you can go beyond people's expectations without breaking a sweat. The key is you just can't think too much about it. Pondering your next move is going to paralyze you.
Who wouldn't get paralyzed thinking about that? There are people out there with some pretty high expectations of me and getting beyond them is not only going to be sweaty, it's going to be ugly and gross and might just be impossible.
I wish I knew what action to take. At this point, there isn't anything else I can DO except approach more strangers and ask for money. It doesn't help that I just read an article in Newsweek about documentaries. It seems that after a few were popular a few years ago distributors went crazy buying up new ones and lost a ton of money so now they are skittish. Great. I really thought my timing was working out this time.
I need to effortlessly meet someone rich and powerful.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Vegas Update #1
Apparently my video poker skills are limited to my laptop. Financially, the trip was a bust. But fun-wise, over the top!! On our first day we got giant margaritas and walked around the mall (whoever had this idea is a genius! Seriously. It is way too easy to spend money when you're a little margarita-tipsy), then we had dinner and saw an OK magician, Steve Wyrick. He took himself a little too seriously for my taste. Next day (Anniversary!) we sat by the pool, visited the Forum Shops at Caesar's (always a fave), drank more giant margaritas on the long, HOT walk back to our hotel, saw Love (Beatles/Cirque de Soleil combo and GREAT!) then split a giant piece of cheesecake at the Carnegie Deli. Yesterday we visited the Hard Rock Casino, then the M&M's store right outside the MGM to get gifts for the kids. Sat by the pool again, then headed over to Rio for a wonderful dinner and saw Penn and Teller. They are SO cool! The restaurant had a photographer walking around and Husband and I got a halfway decent shot of us together after 15 years. Not bad. Got home tonight and headed straight up to my parent's house to pick up the kids. Daughter was not finished being adored and spoiled and didn't want us to come. Son was thrilled to see us, but probably missed the PlayStation more.
Ladies, I don't mean to brag, but Husband plans the best trips! I am one lucky girl. Well, not at video poker.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Blogging Break, right on schedule 6
Life has been happening pretty much on your schedule lately and now there are a few cool loops in the road that will change that rhythm. If you're flexible, you'll be happy for the interesting alteration.
I see just a few problems here. 1) I can't remember the last time life happened on MY schedule. If it happened how I would like the kids would sleep until 9 am and skating and swimming would have the same start and end times. 2) What are "cool loops"? It certainly can't mean temperature. Tomorrow Husband and I are heading off to Vegas (where it is 108 degrees) to celebrate our 15th Anniversary. The kids are at my parent's until Sunday morning and we have tickets to Love on our Anniversary (I know, how appropriate, sometimes Husband is too cute for words.) Maybe the trip is my "cool loop" but it's been planned for a while and of course I'm going to be happy about this alteration.
I did get the computer thing right, schedule-wise. Took it in to be fixed yesterday and found out the hard drive was about ready to go and we would have lost everything, including Husband's 12,000 songs on itunes. Yes, you read that right, 12,000. On Monday I'll pick up my computer with a new BIG hard drive and MORE memory. Hello video projects!
To my faithful tens of readers, have a wonderful 4th of July (if you're American, if you're not you can choose an alternate date in July). I'll be back on Sunday. I've been practicing video poker after watching a show on Vegas Secrets on the Travel Channel and I'm eager to put my new skills to work!