Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hey Moon, do you feel lucky? 10

If you'll focus on the blessings in your life, it will make a disappointment fade and lead you to new peace. Dress in red to access the passionate vibe of the Moon as it cruises through your sign this evening.

Been there, focused on that. I already know I have a rockin' life and no reason to complain. THAT is part of the problem. Why am I always wanting more - do more, have more, be more - when I already have so much? Will I ever reach the point of satisfaction? Does it even exist?

I am pretty psyched, though, because today is the FIRST day that I have actually been wearing the right color that my horoscope wants me to! I'm not sure that I feel so passionate, but perhaps the Moon is still out cruising and isn't sharing its vibes just yet.

I'll just wait patiently while focusing on my blessings.

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