Thursday, June 26, 2008

Suddenly, without warning! 9

Uranus turns Retrograde! Expect the Unexpected!

This was the heading of an email (from in my inbox today. I think it's accurate, the unexpected has been happening. The kids and I drove to my sister's outside of Grand Rapids yesterday so I could talk to girls at her Girl Scout Camp about the fun of writing. When I called home to see if there were any messages, there was one from the talent agency about another audition! This time a TV spot; no lines, but lots of emotion.

When I got home today there was an email waiting from someone I had approached about investing in the documentary - who asked to see the proposal! I'm desperately trying not to count my chickens before they are hatched, but ... 1 chicken! 2 chicken! 3 chicken! 225,000 chickens!

OK, I'm calm now. And I think I did a decent job at the audition today, too. I couldn't get a tear to actually slide down my cheek but was able to well up as my audition "Husband" said his line. Hopefully, the camera was able to catch the dewy, sad glint in my eye.

Of course, I have several friends who will tell me that none of this is "unexpected" at all; that it was simply a matter of time. I think that's the unexpected part - the Universe is very good about making things happen, but in it's own sweet time. It likes to watch you get totally depressed and sure that nothing will ever happen for you again then - SURPRISE! - here's everything you wanted! Hee hee.

Fine, Universe, have it your way. And I'll have it mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Audition? What audition? Don't leave a gossip-lacking girl hanging!