Thursday, June 12, 2008

Whoa, Trigger! 10

An uncharacteristic jumpiness that goes beyond free-floating anxiety is hard to shake today. You feel like a trigger that's ready to fire at the slightest little provocation. But you will feel even worse if you do lose your temper.

I was so anxious and jumpy all day that I finally broke down and cleaned the refrigerator, vacuumed, then lifted weights in the basement. And I probably did yell at the kids, or get close to it. I hate this feeling - and there's no way to get rid of it but to burn it off.

I don't even know why I was anxious all day. But I couldn't work on anything. Tried printing out my resume and the printer didn't work. Finally got the printer working and started to staple the resume to the back of my headshot and realized the paper is too big and will have to be trimmed down. That's when I gave up and started attacking appliances.

Tomorrow I plan to call some of my Pisces friends and see if they were jumpy all day too. If it was all of us, well, that's a lot of car accidents just begging to happen.

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