Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wrong shirt, no service 2

To make the most of today, dress in pink, focus on nurturing yourself, and indulge in your favorite creative activities.

I guess I didn't make the most of today; got up early and drove Daughter, her freestyle skating coach, and another skater to a competition in Ann Arbor. Left the house at 9 this morning and didn't get home until 9 pm. I am exhausted, I didn't wear pink, and I certainly didn't indulge in any of my favorite creative activities.

We had four hours to kill between events (next year - if there is a next year - NO jumps!) so we went out to lunch and then to the mall. I found a bookstore and picked up a copy of a reportedly hysterical and highly recommended book. I need to get my funny back. I feel like I haven't been funny in ages. I've been caring, considerate, organized, determined, depressed, maternal, and exhausted, but I haven't been funny. And now I'm too tired to even try.

And, before you say it, let me. I'll always be funny ... looking.

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