Thursday, June 19, 2008

I walk the line 3

It will be easier than ever to reclaim your balance as the Moon moves through stabilizing Capricorn today. Wearing blue will sharpen your mental agility when making a proposal or debating an important issue tonight.

Was I feeling more balanced today? I guess. Definitely feeling less panicky - though I have no logical reason to stop panicking. By all rights I should be freaking out. I've had no responses to the resumes I sent out, and the only response to the essays I sent out was rejection (and yet I managed to be thrilled - I'm like that obnoxious kid in the 3rd grade, just looking for ANY kind of attention).

I'm wearing blue jeans tonight, but haven't really done anything that requires mental agility, unless you count negotiating with Son to eat the carrots AND the fish sticks. It wasn't really negotiating as much as it was threatening, and I can do that in my sleep.

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