Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Singing my own praises 7

Today's outgoing Sagittarius Full Moon falls in your 10th House of Career, revealing how your emotions can positively impact your professional life.

Interesting. Spent the morning being grateful for my awesome friends and writing another essay - that no one will probably buy. Was forced out of the house this afternoon to drive Son to a playdate and since I was out, dropped off headshots and resumes at local casting agencies. Might as well look for more opportunities to show off my bad acting skills! When I stopped at one, where I've been signed for nearly 20 years, the agent said, "Can you wait a few minutes?" I could (Son at playdate, Daughter glued to new Birthday Laptop) and did and when she came back she had a voiceover audition for me that had just come in. Since I didn't know it was coming I didn't have time to get nervous or worried and I think it may be the best voiceover audition I've ever had.

Light green candles to access the gentle, loving vibes of Venus as it sails into Cancer today. This aspect will also inspire your artistic side, so set aside time this evening to paint, write or sing.

I decided to write instead of sing. I don't know if you are grateful, but my family sure is.


I recently submitted an essay to Hallmark Magazine and got a lovely email from Executive Editor Helen Rogan who rejected the essay but called my writing "smart and funny" (insert blushing and false modesty here). In an effort to figure out what Hallmark WOULD like to receive (Ms. Rogan also encouraged me to send in something again) I checked out the mag's website and discovered Ms. Rogan's blog, Life Lines, which I am ashamed to admit I had not read before. It is now a fixture in my recommended websites below. The Queen of Smart and Funny Writing called MY writing "smart and funny!" It's like Cindy Crawford just told me, "You know, you could be a model."

I have never been so excited to be rejected.

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