Sunday, June 22, 2008

Would you like fries with that future? 2

You can have absolutely everything you want from the higher-ups. They'll be happy to support and advise you, and tip you on how to get where you want to go.

This is exactly the kind of horoscope I don't need. My friend Karen and I were just talking last week about our unwarranted optimism. Every time we answer the phone or get the mail there's always that hope that something unexpected - and wonderful - will show up.

And I felt it again today. That ridiculous sense of Everything is Going to Turn Out Fine. As hard as I am on myself, and there is no bigger critic than I, there is still a part of me that believes I CAN make a documentary and I CAN host a TV show, and I CAN get an agent and I CAN write lots more books.

So, higher-ups, wherever you are, whoever you are - these are the places I want to go. Any support, advice, and tips on how to get there are greatly appreciated.

The problem, or one of them anyway, is too much communication; my cell phone is glued to me, I check my email at least 10 times a day, and the decibel level of the ring on my house phone is set at Rock Concert. I also have an answering machine AND voice mail AND call waiting. It's too easy to get a hold of people these days, they might as well be sitting in your living room waiting for you to strike up a conversation.

So, when someone doesn't strike up a conversation OR continue with their side of the conversation you have started, feels like you are being snubbed. I have started countless conversations all over the freakin' city and all I've got is the equivalent of people sitting across the room from me, staring at me blankly.

Have you read The Telephone Call by Dorothy Parker? It's a brilliant short story. I reread it over lunch in my copy of The Portable Dorothy Parker. It's told from the perspective of a nameless young woman who is waiting for her beau to call her; she is by turns pleading, angry, sad, bereft, joyous and desperate.

I know just how she feels.

OMG!!! Just as I was reading this over for typos before posting I got a call from the talent agency where I did the voiceover audition last week (see Wednesday June 18) and I GOT THE PART!

Now I'm REALLY freaked! Especially since I am cutting it tomorrow morning at 9 am. Usually on Tuesdays I have to pick up Daughter from skating in Farmington at 8:40 am, but tomorrow there is no skating!

I really don't see why the Universe doesn't try to make me happy more often. I'm like a puppy; one kind word and I'm on my back waiting for my tummy to be tickled.

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