Small people will present the biggest challenges.
My first thought was "Don't they always?" but now I'm wondering what "small people" means. Children, short people, small-minded people? Short, small-minded children?
There's something to be said for diligence and perseverance. It's called success, and it's what you'll have in your sights. Don't let anyone or anything dissuade you.
Okay, then. Pursue success and knock any small people out of the way.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Too small
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I feel pretty, but not self-confident 4
You woke up this morning feeling extraordinarily self-confident. Do something that requires a special boldness.
Did I? I don't remember feeling self-confident this morning. I remember feeling tired, and frustrated with the waffle maker, and sad that I had to throw out the waffle maker but confident.....hmmmm, not so sure.
However, I did do something that required a "special boldness." I told my boss I thought I looked pretty on TV.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Pay attention but don't worry about being productive 8
Today your intuition is even more keen than usual.
LOVE this! Going to pay attention to my intuition all day. Check back later!
My plans for the evening have changed multiple times over the last two weeks and I thought that the only obligation I had was a meeting to attend. A member of the organization stopped by with something and I insisted she come in. I ended up telling her about my crazy plan-changing week and she told me that the meeting was Wednesday night. I wasn't sure so called to confirm was.
Even though my intuition wasn't "on" enough to make me realize the meeting was another day, I'm glad I paid attention and mentioned it.
You may feel scattered and fear you won't be able to get your work finished on time. Unfortunately, you might worry so much that it can have a negative impact on your productivity today. Don't judge yourself so harshly; you'll have a clearer sense of what's happening after the Full Moon tomorrow morning.
Oh, thank goodness. Don't know why I feel so overwhelmed today, but barely made a dent in all that needs to get done.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What should I wear?
Part of your day will be spent making plans for the next time you go out. You’ll choose the event, what to wear and how you’ll act.
We'll see about this. I have NO plans to go out, and no "events" that I'm even considering. And why would I choose how I'll act? That's just crazy. It's like the Astrologer turned over her column to her 8-year old daughter for the day while she's reclining on the couch with a Mimosa and a scone.
On the other hand, my Facebook Tarot card for the day seems to be right on track....
Three of Wands An exciting group dynamic capable of working together for a common purpose. Community projects. Growth possible if all parties have equal investment. Group of individuals bring much talent to the table. Energy manifested. Time to lead others. Positive business practices for the world community. Trust and fairness. Something created from energy of three. I am waiting on a call about a potential new gig - working WITH someone with a lot of talent.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fine, you're right 10
Your concerns about relationships at work reach a crescendo today as a long-standing disagreement is suddenly in the spotlight. Even if it feels like a minor crisis at first, it could be a relief to finally have everyone's feelings out in the open where they can be processed. Although you might feel uncomfortable for a while, this is an important step toward a positive resolution.
Just. Stop. It.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Promote me!
A promotion is coming up.
Hooray! So I'll be on my best behavior and not leave the house in sweats. It's always good to have a plan.
Though I don't really have a "job" so I have no idea where this promotion is coming from....or leading to. Still, I'm up for it!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Take care of yourself 10
Your job is to take care of you. It might seem selfish, but today it would be selfish not to take care of yourself.
Oh, Horoscope, how you taunt me. I have so much to do today but am fighting fluish symptoms - which I don't have time for. Have I mentioned that I have a lot to do?
Fine. I'll take care of myself. But who's going to take care of everybody else?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I'd like to make this clear 3
A breakthrough could come via a phone call or letter when Saturn moves into Libra and provides you with more direction and clearer insights than you've had in weeks.
I am ready for you, clearer insights and more direction. Bring it on.
I got a lot of phone calls today and a lot of email (no physical letter) but nothing that gave me more direction or clearer insights. At least nothing I'm aware of yet. Maybe it's one of those things where I'll suddenly wake up in the middle of the night in a few weeks and realize EXACTLY how an email made me see a situation clearer....but I don't think so. Today was just more of the same.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
OK, so here's my Tarot card for today...
The High Priestess: Feminine wisdom encompassing three stages of the life cycle, Maiden, Mother, Crone.
WTF? Why are THOSE the three stages? Do I HAVE to end up as a crone? What if I skip the Mother part (it's too late for me but I have plenty of friends who have decided not to have kids, do they get to go on to Cougar instead of Crone?)
You know, rarely do you seek out a Tarot card reader and find yourself in some guys living room, sitting a card table and hoping for a good future while he munches chips and sneaks peeks at the game on the TV over your shoulder. I've met a LOT of Tarot card readers and I have to say that 99% (if not 100% but I'm allowing for faulty memory) are women. So why the sexist cards? Does the High Priest card have the guys moving from Master to Father to Cranky Old Guy Screaming at Kids to Get Off His Lawn?
I doubt it.
Friday, October 9, 2009
What sounds good? 10
Your life's palate is craving new flavor, and there are recipes you have yet to try both figuratively and literally.
Well, Horoscope, kudos to you for nailing it today. I am in the middle of both dietary and life exploration and am, indeed, searching for that next thing that might satisfy the figurative and literal hunger.
How about some hints on what it might be, though? At the very least you could provide directions to a buffet so I could do some sampling. Actually food-wise I'm going pretty good; I've started in on the new vegan cookbook, I'm experimenting with cookie recipes, and I've recently introduced Sun Butter into my diet. But when it comes to hobbies, inspiration, or things to do I am just LOST.
A little guidance please!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Get busy! 8
Those projects you think you don't have time for are holding you back from accomplishing something important.
Oooooh, Horoscope. That was a very nice and subtle way of telling me to get off of my ass. Nicely done. I'll get busy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Get Back 4
An area of your life is getting out of control. Cut back.
Just one area? That's a relief. Right now it feels like EVERY area but I am NOT complaining because I complained about being too busy at the end of July and ended up sitting on my butt next to a non-ringing phone for the entire month of August. I'm not making that mistake again. I LOVE being busy. (You hear that, Universe?) I LOVE it when my life is out of control. I'm NOT cutting back. At least not until my head starts spinning and/or I start forgetting where I've left my children (which could happen today.)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Get your game on
Someone has to have fun, so it may as well be you.
I was thinking I should get some work done since the kids are back to school today but if you want me to play, Horoscope, I guess I'll play.
Now, where are my jacks?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Catching up 7
I realize I haven't been keeping this site as updated as I should/want to be but, for some reason, Blogger is NOT letting me cut and paste 'scopes anymore so I have to totally retype everything which is annoying on SO many levels but mostly on the level that I am lazy and don't want to retype stuff I should be able to Cut and Paste.
You can finally play catch-up today; dig in to eliminate nagging chores and commitments so you can shed the guilt you've carried about putting them off.
OK, I HAVE carried guilt about putting off some stuff and I DID "dig in" and finish it today but I am not completely happy because I had to go back and forth between sites to type in the exact 'scope and say it out loud (like an idiot) several times so I wouldn't forget it when I clicked back over to Blogger but forgot most of it anyway because I am also listening to Pandora and I just can't multi-task like I used to.
Also, my 'scopes have not been "on" lately AT ALL. It's totally turning me into a non-believer with how off they've been. Is this a test? I DO NOT TEST WELL!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Nothing on the doorstep 0
I NEVER look at my horoscope the night before but.....
Thursday: Surprise money could arrive on your doorstep and ease your financial worries under today's Leo moon.
11:15 - Nothing on the doorstep
12:30 - Nothing on the doorstep
3:30 - Nothing on the doorstep
6:00 - Nothing on the doorstep
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The time is now!
You'll strike upon an idea too exciting not to act on immediately.
Hooray! I'm hoping it happens soon because the only ideas I've had so far today are
Go Back to Bed
Fill out School Paperwork
Clean the House
Go to the Pool
And, while Go to the Pool isn't bad, I've already had that idea (and acted on it) several times this summer and I wouldn't exactly describe it as "exciting."
Friday, August 14, 2009
NOW I get it 8
Making other people feel important is an art and an attitude you continue to cultivate.
WTF? Why isn't anyone trying to make ME feel important? Why am I always the one doing the sucking up? Why can't I, for once, be the one that every one else is trying to impress?
You'll be paid handsomely for this skill.
Oh. Ok.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Get paid to sleep! 2
You tarot card is the Seeker, which can illuminate new opportunities that have been right under your nose, so look closely to see what you've been missing.
Great. More work. Because I'm really not doing enough. Learning two new TV jobs, and being a Stage Mom, and a freelance writer are just not enough to keep a girl busy, I guess. So, tarot, what the hell am I missing? You may just have to spell it out for me. I've got a headache and too much to do and my brain won't stop running so I can't even fall asleep but if there's ONE MORE THING I should throw on my plate just SPEAK UP and stop with the silly games and trying to make me search it out.
How about this? I've been missing the opportunity to get paid for napping. I take checks and Paypal.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Don't worry. There will be a time and a place for you to pull up a chair and eat at the sweet banquet of success.
What?! Does that mean I don't get any success today? When will I get it, then? Am I just supposed to go hungry until the Universe decides I get to eat? I mean, sure I could stand to lose a few pounds, but I don't think forcing me on a diet is going to make that success banquet taste any sweeter.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Get that ball rolling 8
Nevertheless, nothing will happen unless you take the initiative and get the ball rolling.
I really wish I'd read this before Daughter and I went to an Open Call audition today and waited for over two hours before we got in to be seen because the people in charge screwed up the order of the sign in sheets. As much as I hate to speak up I finally did go say something and they put us in line but then were so screwed up that they kept holding everything up while they tried to figure out what the heck they were doing.
Pretty sure neither of us got cast.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Do your job!
Keep conversations short and sassy.
I'm guessing that the newspaper astrologist has weekend plans or is having a hard time pulling herself away from a really good novel or something because this has to be the most phoned-in half-assed horoscope I have ever had.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Asleep, awake, it's all the same
Wear white to bed to dispel the recurring nightmares you've been experiencing.
As if I don't have enough to worry about, now I have to take responsibility for my nightmares, which I really don't recall in full detail, but have been disturbing enough to make me wake up before the alarm goes off and then just lay there....wondering how much more I can possibly fit into the days (and nights apparently) and isn't there ANY time off from decision making because that is all my nightmares contain - scheduling conflicts and responsibility.
Just like real life.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Cancer!
Celebrate the people around you. When they are doing well, so are you.
I've been too busy celebrating the people around me to do anything else! Last week was Daughter's birthday, yesterday was Father's Day and today is Hubby's birthday. I am not doing justice to any of these celebrations; didn't even see Hubby before he left for work this morning.
Yesterday the kids and I planted flowers and cleaned up the front yard but all we did was create more work for dad - somehow - so today I am not doing anything except baking the man a cake and leaving him alone. That's the nicest thing I can do for him.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Why so needy? 2
You're in need of acknowledgement and the first person to deliver will hold a special place in your heart.
Thank you, Horoscope, for acknowledging my neediness. I'll let you know who that "special person" is.
Horoscope, you are an acknowledgement tease -- no one spoke up!
Monday, June 15, 2009
I'd like to reverse the charges 7
This is an exciting day. Stay on your toes. There will be a surprise reversal.
As I'm sitting here waiting waiting waiting for good news on any and all of the projects I've started, auditioned for, put out there, etc. I really don't need a reversal today. I can deal with your excitement, Horoscope, but most of the words I need to hear are "Yes!" and "We want to pay you a great deal of money!" not "No. Sorry."
However, there one situation that has been leaning towards no no no and I did send them an email this morning reminding them that I would like to hear yes yes yes so if THEY are the reversal then carry on. I'm sorry I doubted you.
There wasn't really a reversal today, but there was a surprise when I was informed I was chosen as a recurring extra in a film. There was also a little bit of panic as I realized that I'm going to need a LOT of help because someone has to get my kids to stuff while I'm working. Thankfully, people are saying Yes when I ask.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Prepare to act
If you do the same act every day for the next three months, your life will change in amazing ways.
Horoscope, did you mean to write 'action' this morning? That would be a little more understandable, even if I have no idea what the action is. I have even less of an idea of what the act is. Song and dance? Mime? Parody? Should I be watching America, You've Got Talent for clues? I'd like my life to change in amazing ways and if I need to perform a one-woman show every day for the next three months to make that happen, then so be it!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Great! I love ideas!
Your head is filled with fabulous, fun ideas. Maybe there are not enough hours in the day to do everything you want to do, but you accomplish what you need to do and you can try again tomorrow.
Just sitting here waiting for the fabulous, fun ideas to download......
Monday, June 8, 2009
To change or not to change
If you feel like changing yourself, that’s fine, but you might be just as happy if you don’t.
Really? That seems so unlike me. There's usually about one minute out of every day where I'm satisfied with myself and not working to change something.
Maybe I just need to stretch that minute out.....
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Shopping shouldn't be "memorable"
You have a hand in creating a memorable event for your friends and family.
The only thing I have planned for today is a trip to the mall with my kids and in-laws and I'm not sure I want it to turn into a "memorable event." Because it sounds like someone's going to get pushed down an escalator and that no matter how loudly I protest my innocence "I didn't see her when I turned around!" I will have been the cause.
Perhaps we should just stay home.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Might as well finish that bag now that it's open
You are aware of the temptations that exist, but your ability to resist them is strong.
Hmmm, not so sure. There is half a bag of Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut potato chips in my kitchen that would beg to differ.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Get thee to the hair salon
This is what you have been waiting for: a new star. Feel free to pursue the positive goals that ran through your mind during your downtime (and get that new hairdo).
What downtime? And what new hairdo? What's wrong with my hair?!?
At least include a picture!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
All work and no play
Play is essential to your wellness. Add variety to your playtime to stimulate your mind and thrill your senses.
Come on! I was all set to work all day, there is so much I need to finish, and now you want me to stimulate my mind and thrill my senses!?!?
I think my senses would be more thrilled if my house was clean. I really do. How about showing up with this on a WEEKEND, Horoscope?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Conflicting Tarot
Your tarot card, the Magician, will instill an aura of charm around you, which enables you to get your ideas across to others with ease.
Interesting. Because according to All Things Facebook my tarot card is....
The High Priestess, the mysterious one and counterpart to the Magician. She symbolizes all that we are unable to perceive or comprehend, as she travels in dimensions that we can only imagine exist.
So, am I Magician or High Priestess? Am I charmed? Am I getting my ideas across or am I mysterious and difficult to comprehend? And how the hell can I draw the two opposite tarot cards on the same day?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Get busy
You have work to do, and there’s no time to spare. To stay the course, you might have to turn off your Internet access or not answer the phone.
But, but.....the Internet IS my work!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Your tarot card for this week is the Fool, which will herald the end of one cycle and the beginning of a brand new one due to kick off on Wednesday.
Fool does not sound promising. However, I do have a Very Important Meeting on Wednesday. Let's hope the cycle that's ending is a bad one and the one that is beginning is a good one.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
When you're right you're right 1
The words “You were right” are lovely music to your ears. Oh, how difficult it is not to be smug!
Can't WAIT to see what I am right about today!!
I don't feel smug at all. Husband sick all day, temperature still 102. What am I right about? That he's whiny when he's sick? THAT is hardly news.
Oh, and I waited TWO HOURS this morning to sign Son up for golf lessons that he doesn't even want to take this summer. Not feeling particularly victorious today, Horoscope. Thanks for the try, though.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My next move is....2
If you do a little internet research tonight, you'll get a clear picture of your options, and from there, it will be easy to determine your next move.
Exactly what options am I supposed to be researching?! Horoscope, this is one of those times when you are clearly not providing enough information. Which of my many two-steps-forward-three-steps-back careers am I supposed to be digging up more info on tonight? I'm exhausted from all the research and the trying and the working and the worrying. How about you just send me a big fat check (thanks the little fat one, btw, I am grateful) and we'll call it good?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Planned spontaneity 2
Make a spontaneous call to a loved one to see how they're doing this evening.
I actually picked up the phone but it's not spontaneous now, is it? Now, it's deliberate. Now it's like I'm just checking in on someone so I have good karma or something.
Work with your hands in the garden this week or otherwise dig up the dirt.
This sounds like I'm being given permission to gossip. Or at least given permission to find something to gossip about and that sounds like a lot more fun than gardening!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pat on the back 4
You don't realize your own uniqueness. You use your imagination without any awareness of how creative and innovative your ideas really are.
Oh, Horoscope, you sweet talker!
Monday, May 4, 2009
The impossible dream 8
Life is demanding you do the impossible. Maybe you’re more amazing than you give yourself credit for being. When pressure is on, you perform magic tricks.
Funny. Spent the entire weekend watching Daughter as a magician in the ice show and I guess is my turn to do magic. Am I more amazing than I give myself credit for? Frankly, I'd have to be. I don't give myself that much credit.
You know what? I think I did perform a little magic today.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Oh, I'm branching out 10
Branch out socially, especially with people different from your other friends. It is beneficial to form relationships within realms you know little about.
All right, Horoscope, you wanted me to branch out so today I became a swimsuit model. (Not that I really think I could be a swimsuit model. I'm the Before AND the After. Supposedly these swimsuits can perform miracles. We'll see).
This is definitely a realm I know little about. However, if you show up tomorrow with a "keep all your clothes on" type of message just know that you are the one who pushed me into this.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Horoscopes for slackers 10
You could face and overcome your opposition, but it would take an awful lot of energy. It's probable that this battle is not important in the larger scheme of things.
I really wish I'd had some opposition to overcome today because it's not often that the Universe wants me to take the lazy way out. Today was opposition-free. Though maybe sleeping in was my inherent signal of non-combat to whatever force was going to confront me today. Maybe I scared away my opposition by not even bothering to show up right away.
Ha! Take that. I'll sleep you to death!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Where's he going?
Today there are two - TWO! - emails in my inbox from with the re: Win Him Back!
What do they know that I don't know?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
No thank you 1
Your whimsical mood will inspire once-in-a-lifetime occurrences. By the time you go to sleep, you will have been through an array of emotions.
Really? Because I have a lot to do today and I don't really have the time to run through a gamut of emotions. If the once-in-a-lifetime occurrences are good, I'll gladly accept them, but I'm a little too tired and have too much to do to deal with any big bad stuff.
Consider yourself warned.
No once-in-a-lifetime experiences yesterday. No array of emotions either. Sorry, Horoscope, you were waaaaaaaaay off.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Share what you learn with those who can appreciate your quirky musings. You make life fun for these people.
Quirky musings is all I've got, Horoscope, but they're not paying the bills. Unless you can think of a way I can support myself by providing approximately three people with a mild chuckle on a somewhat daily basis I don't really need your obvious observations.
Thanks for trying, though, I have some lovely parting gifts for you.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Red -10
Wear red to shed any nagging physical ailments that are slowing your movement.
Oh, Horoscope, you are in SO MUCH trouble today!!!!! Because I wore your stupid red today. When I got dressed I remembered "Oh, Horoscope wants me to wear red today!" so I put on a red shirt and guess what I got in the mail from RED Cross today?
What's that?
You want me to tell you?
The RED Cross sent me a letter telling me I can't donate blood anymore because I tested positive for some virus in my blood (not THAT virus, btw) and that they may or may not have tested it again and it may or may not have been negative on the second test.
Red Cross, you are on my list as well.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Back to the future 7
Some say the future isn't here yet, but you're not so sure. You have a fantasy version of tomorrow in your head that you play and repeat. This feels real and current.
It may feel real and current but it kinda sounds delusional. Doesn't it? Sure I have a "fantasy" version of tomorrow playing in my head, but tomorrow never comes....does it?
I'm asking a lot of questions tonight. Aren't I?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hopefully the message will be "go back to bed" 5
Your dreams will carry powerful messages under tonight's Scorpio Moon.
While this sounds good, I know myself. First, I'll keep waking up all night to see what I can remember from any dream I may have had and I'll end up getting a crappy night's sleep. Second, I'll wake up tomorrow morning exhausted and I'll remember bits and pieces of the freaky dreams I had and I won't be able to understand them, let alone try and discern some kind of message, and I'll feel dejected and depressed.
There's just so much to look forward to.
As I predicted.... I did wake up a few times, though not as many as usual (thank you Ambien!) and I can't remember all of my dreams but I do remember an old boyfriend posting an apology on my Facebook page for underestimating me.
So, what's the message? I had bad taste in men? Heard that one before. (Present husband excluded, of course).
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Charm school 2
You have charm to spare, but don't waste it. Expand your social horizons.
How can I waste it if I have enough to spare? And we'll just see if I'm charming today. I was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night waiting for back meds to kick in and am feeling exhausted and less than charming right now.
I have no social plans for today, but if any come up I am taking them. Yes, Universe, I am giving you another chance after yesterday's failure.
Social horizons were NOT expanded. On the other hand, I didn't waste any charm.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Messages in random places 0
You are open to signs of the universe and you’ll find them in the most random places. The messages are the same: Take a chance!
I hope I will be told exactly WHAT I am to take a chance on.
But you're right, Universe, I am open to signs. Bring 'em on! Hope I go to the right random places today. That would be horrible if my message was waiting for me in a barbershop or train station or some place I have no intention of going today.
Oh! And I hope it gets delivered by someone cute!
I did not get ANY 'take a chance' messages ANYWHERE yesterday! I was on the lookout too. This is so disappointing. I'd LOVE to take a chance on something. Anything.
Universe, you disappoint.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Working it 7
The Leo Moon will help you catch up on your housework today, which will alleviate that nagging feeling of disorder and chaos that has been hounding you. Wear or carry an onyx stone to stabilize your movements and generate a feeling of security no matter what outer circumstances look like.
How, exactly, did the Leo Moon help me catch up on my housework today? I seem to recall being the only one pushing the vacuum around. If you want the credit, LM, you have to actually pitch in, not just predict I'm going to do housework.
And I did wear onyx earrings today....freaky. I guess I felt secure, though I'm not sure the earrings had anything to do with it. I wore them to a film business event which was very crowded and little confusing. I met quite a few people, but it was hard to tell who actually had something to offer. You can't tell by appearances. The guy in the Miami Vice jacket may very well have a lucrative business but he certainly wasn't someone that I was going to approach. And the guy in the suit turned out to be an aspiring actor with fewer credits than I have.
Gee, Leo Moon, instead of "helping" me with the dusting you could have helped me meet someone who actually wanted to hire me today.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fool's Day from my horoscope
Mistakes often pave the way for one remarkable accomplishment. Keep this in mind as you venture out.
I'm not venturing out anywhere until I know what today is! Is today Mistake Day or One Remarkable Accomplishment Day?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Guess who! 1
You’ll never guess the person you will meet today and the series of events that happens consequentially.
Mario Andretti?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
If you spend the evening catching up with friends and loved ones at a distance, you'll hear some surprising news. Your tarot card, the Wheel of Fortune, means anything can and will happen this week when karma takes the reins.
OK, first a mysterious stranger and now the promise of excitement from loved ones; granted ones that live far away. Make up your mind, Horoscope. Who's bringing the fun?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Faster faster 8
Pick up the pace. You're capable of more. As your sign mate champion race car driver Mario Andretti said, "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
Ok, Horoscope and Mario, I like to be a little lazy on Sundays. Perhaps I'll pick up the pace tomorrow. Fine, I promise to pick up the pace tomorrow.
I've actually met Mario but had no idea we shared a sign.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Utilizing the powerful energy to keep from freaking out 3
You should utilize the powerful energy of today's New Moon to focus on your finances, for this Sun-Moon conjunction is also aligned with resourceful Venus in your 2nd House of Money. Hopefully, you already have a plan; now it's time for implementation. But remember that you don't have to take a wild risk to increase your income; just show up with a positive attitude and do what makes the most sense to create success.
What if I don't have a plan? I mean, I'd LOVE to have a plan, but who the heck has a plan in this economy? Basically my plan is to find ANY kind of job. My OTHER plan is to sell my book and get a huge advance. Who exactly do I call for that? 1-800-big-checks?
If I come up with a plan before midnight and make some calls will the Sun-Moon conjunction still be aligned with resourceful Venus? Just how much time have I got?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Who's watching? 9
You have pulled off many endeavors without having a clue. Someone who studies your moves might be able to illuminate things about the way you operate that even you didn't know.
OK, I will totally admit to being to pull off stuff without a clue. Sometimes it IS quite amazing, the stuff I have gotten away with.
But is there really a Mystery Person who has been studying my moves? Or is this like some big tease? Obviously someone who has been studying my moves should be able to illuminate me about the way that I operate, but how would I find This Person? I don't even know where to begin and, honestly, my first reaction to This Person would probably be suspicion. I just don't think I'm that interesting. Certainly not interesting enough for someone to be making a study of my "moves." And someone who's been studying my moves sounds vaguely Stalkerish.
This is quite the conundrum. I'd love to meet this mysterious person who can explain me to myself, yet he or she would probably creep me out.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
If today is your birthday
You possess all the ingredients for romantic success in the year ahead because you are inspired by even the most mundane events and ideas. You are more playful and fun, so loved ones will respond favorably to your ideas. On the business or career front, you might want to buckle down and be an example of sterling precision from September through December. Others may be more critical of your work -- but at the same time will reward your honest efforts. Don't make promises, sign contracts or make important changes during those months.
You are wonderfully flexible in your attitudes this year. You are driven, but you also go with the flow. You'll be serious about your goals while creating a happier world with your laughter. You get clear about what you really want in April. May brings greater freedom and excitement. June features family bonding. Taurus and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are 24, 44, 8, 30 and 40.
I love that Taurus and Virgo adore me; especially since I don't think I really know any. I'll have to check that out. And why aren't my lucky numbers in chronological order? Are they only lucky in that particular order? And what are the odds that 44 is my lucky number now that I've turned 45? Maybe it's like on Lost and those numbers will just keep appearing everywhere I go this year but I'll never know exactly what they mean even when I have to keep punching them into my computer or alarm lock at 45 minute intervals to stop them from beeping.
And how am I supposed to go four months without making any promises? I have children, for Pete's sake. My 8-year old is constantly asking "Do you promise?" "Sorry, honey, mommy's horoscope says she can't. Check back in January."
No success or money predictions. Hmmmm. I hope that doesn't mean that there won't be any success or money.
Should be an interesting year. At least I didn't get my cutlery taken away again.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Trivial promises 2
You'll be asked to make a commitment. It may seem like a small matter, but once you give your word, a certain course is set. So consider carefully even the most trivial of promises.
Oh no! Think, Stacey, think! What the hell did I commit to today? I didn't really talk to anyone so no one asked me to commit to anything. Did I inadvertently commit by action? I talked to someone on the Figure Skating Club Board, but I was already committed to that.
What did I promise? What???
This is going to drive me crazy. Especially since it probably has escaped my attention and will come back to bite me in the ass when I least expect it. Like, God Forbid, in 6 months there's a knock on my door and it's a lawyer and he's got a couple kids and piece of paper that says on March 17th I agreed to become the guardian of the children of one of my Facebook friends should anything happen to them. Nah, that's not trivial. OK, I'm relaxing.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Kindle and The Help
Hang out with friends and family or take time out to catch a movie or read a book that has been patiently waiting for your attention.
This book was anything but patient, and I had painting to do but I finished it anyway. Husband and Kids took me out to an early birthday dinner on Friday night and gave me my present - a Kindle. Husband is often great at figuring out what I want before I do and I think he's done it again. My favorite feature -- downloading a sample of a book to see if I really want to read it. Read a few samples then ordered The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Couldn't. Put. It. Down.
I was worried about reading on the Kindle, but the book was so good I think I would have been just as absorbed if I'd been reading it on toilet paper. It's been over a year since a book has drawn me in like that and I'd almost forgotten what it felt like. There is no better feeling. It's like going on a fabulous vacation and meeting interesting new people.
I want to write characters like that. I was so inspired....but had promised I would paint the trim in the family room. The room is looking pretty great. And I have to admit that I doubt my ability to write that well anyway (Camille - don't yell at me).
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New moth project 6
Autonomy becomes you. The more you act independently, the more likely a new idea or project will take wing and fly. Because you attract admirers like moths to a flame, you may have to pick and choose.
My horoscopes have been all about popularity lately; or perhaps just the ones I'm choosing to acknowledge. That's the beauty of having so many options. Apparently I'll have all kinds of moth options too and get to pick and choose among the admiring moths I want to hang out with.
Do I really want to hang out with moths?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Feel the woo 2
You will encounter those who can woo you with words and charm. You are enamored of people with that talent, largely because you possess it too.
Oh, Horoscope, how you flatter. Though I hate to inform you that I don't feel very charming today. I still feel exhausted and weepy after a weekend of synchro stomach flu. I wasn't really wooed today, either. I could have used some wooing. Though it most likely would have made me cry. Everything else did.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Capturing the interest of chipmunks 9
Social conveniences abound. You will capture the interest of people whom you will also find interesting and it all happens without a commute. (Detroit Free Press)
I love social conveniences! Made a new friend via Facebook today; yes, she IS interesting and yes, I did capture her interest as well. And on Wednesday I have reunion aided and abetted by FB with a sorority sister who lives near Boston. And I barely left my bedroom today.... mostly because I heard another chipmunk above the ceiling tiles in the basement this morning and I am incredibly phobic about creatures that scurry. For more about that see this blog post.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We all want progress 9
If you review the progress you've made over the last three months by logging even smallest achievements, you'll begin to see a pattern of breakthroughs and how they are moving you closer to your dreams. (
So if I review my progress since December 1 I've
Nearly finished my book
Shot two commercials
Cut one voice over
Been an extra in a movie (A George Clooney movie!!!!!)
Done a lot of blog writing - paid and unpaid
Applied for a lot of jobs
Painted two rooms in my house
Went on a fabulous vacation (Hey, it SAID even the "smallest achievements")
Started going to the gym again
Created a website
Is that a lot to do in 3 months or are most people doing more than that? Am I an overachiever? A slacker? Right in the middle?
You know what? I really don't care. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'm feeling positively positive. And I think the Universe is encouraging that feeling so I'm going to go with it.
My dream? I have a lot of dreams. My goals for 2009 - get a well-paying gig and get a role in one of movies being shot here. And if those happen to be one and the same....all the better!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Guilt-free Clooney
Someone may be attempting to make you feel guilty if you do something that's just for yourself. But it's not your job to make everyone happy while you remain unfulfilled, even if others believe that it is.
Thank you, horoscope. Thank you. On Tuesday I plan to be an extra in the Clooney movie and have to be on set at 5:30 a.m. so Husband has to get kids to school and deal with them after. AND the pay is crap so he thinks it's a total waste of my time. It probably is. But this is just for's Clooney. And, yes, working with Clooney or near Clooney will make me feel fulfilled. Shoot me.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Pot of gold (10 for hope!)
Every now and then, you're in the perfect astrological position to make your dreams come true. This is your time. All you have to do is stop searching. Let things unfold as they will. You can't help but find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. (
I've had these "stop searching and just let it happen" horoscopes before, and I really don't remember anything just happening. It may be just because I spent the day working on a commercial set, but I do feel more the drought is my future is bright and I am unstoppable.
Am I able to just let things unfold? Will I be able to untense and let things unfold? And what exactly does a pot of gold look like?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Is Spicy Lime bizarre?
Focus on the most bizarre, outrageous solution possible -- it could very well end up being the right one. (
OK, then.
Had a hard time motivating myself to work today. Did a bit of writing, but felt incredibly lazy so stopped for paint sample for family room and both were denied by husband. He prefers to keep room the color it is; if only I could remember what color that IS. Anyway, decided to keep one of the colors for powder room and tore it apart to paint tomorrow, then Daughter got home from skating and offered up HER opinion on powder room - which was the most bizarre, outrageous solution possible.
I think the color is called Spicy Lime.
We'll see.
Oh, and today I left a comment on Jason Mraz's blog. I know! I'm out of control. And incredibly queer.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Drain the pond 8
Carry pond stones with you to stabilize your thoughts and actions. A financial drain may have you feeling a bit restricted now, but things are sure to balance out by the end of the month. (
So THAT was the problem with pond stones. And they shouldn't have been difficult to find - it rained so hard and so long that my whole neighborhood was practically a pond today.
I had SUCH a good morning and it all went to hell this afternoon. This is why I'm a control freak - because when you rely on other people they let you down. And now I'm left with a mess of a situation that involves financial drain (though glad to hear that will be worked out.)
I'm just cranky. I wonder if Great Lakes Stones will have the same stabilizing effect? I just loaded up my pockets so we'll see. And, yes, I have Great Lakes Stones on hand in case of emergency.
It's hard to maintain an upbeat attitude when obstacles are continuously being set in your path. It may even feel like you have to work harder to overcome the resistance of those who seem to be plotting against you. Nevertheless, anything is possible if you concentrate on your ultimate vision without letting the naysayers slow you down. (
Ok, then. If only I knew what my ultimate vision is.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I feel pretty, oh so pretty 10
Take advantage of the light-hearted, playful energies that abound under today's Scorpio Moon by living fully in the moment and casting your troubles to the wind. Accept an unexpected invitation to enjoy the company of new people; it will expand your awareness and provide you with important connections for the future. Wear blue to add charm and wit to all your conversations. (
Oh. My. God.
Today I was totally light-hearted and playful as I played the mom in a commercial; working with new people and wearing blue! I got the call on Friday and it was unexpected as I didn't even know I had been submitted!
I did everything right today. Everything! And you know what? I think I was kinda charming and witty in conversation!
If I weren't so exhausted I wouldn't want today to end.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Horses in the stream 3
Growing dissatisfaction with the status quo can create a rebellious atmosphere. To break the monotony you might consider changing horses in midstream, but be careful you don't end up in over your head. (Detroit News)
So I'm rebelliously mixing metaphors? Though, I guess if you are changing horses midstream and the stream is kinda deep you could end up in over your head. But if the stream was that deep, would you really try changing horses in the middle of it? And why would you change horses midstream anyway? Why not just get across the stream then....
OK, just had to stop myself and google the origin of that phrase. This is from The Phrase Finder:
Don't change your leader or your basic position when part-way through a campaign or a project .
From an 1864 speech by Abraham Lincoln, in reply to Delegation from the National Union League who were urging him to be their presidential candidate. 'An old Dutch farmer, who remarked to a companion once that it was not best to swap horses when crossing streams."
I still don't understand it, and suspect that whoever writes the horoscopes for the Detroit News is still all caught up in the Obama/Lincoln thing.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
They're not perfect, but they're mine 1
A loved one will bring good news your way so you can all celebrate together under the generous Taurus Moon. (
Yoohoo........Loved One. I'm waiting here with a bottle of champagne and some yummy yummy cupcakes for the good news so we can all celebrate! It's getting late, though, and if you take too long those cupcakes will just lie there like lumps in our stomachs when we go to bed tonight and, well, tomorrow IS a workday so if we're going to have champagne we probably won't want to drink too late.
Not coming? Fine.
All I really got from my loved ones today was a sick kid and a bedroom that smells like toothpaste and fart.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Orange is the new green 2
Cash shortages could present a problem under today's Sagittarius Moon, but things will balance out by the weekend, so sit tight. Eat more orange foods to fuel your imagination so you can find a new outlet for your creativity. (
Interesting. Today is the first day in nearly a year when I haven't felt the pressure of a cash shortage. Maybe because I didn't go anywhere. Anyway, glad to hear it will be balanced out by the weekend. I can always use cash. Though.....if I don't have a problem today will the "balancing out" result in me ending up low on cash? That would be bad. Really bad. Why do I think like this? I have just freaked myself out.
But I DID eat orange foods today - clementines AND Cheetos.
Yeah, I know.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Higher purpose = making lots of $$$$$
The Sun's entry into Aquarius will inspire you to make a list of potential career opportunities. Ponder the value in them all, especially how well they could fulfill your need for a sense of higher purpose in your work.
Oh, Sun, I have been making this list for a while now. You're a little behind. The only real "opportunity" -- well, I got a call for an audition tomorrow...playing an unemployed woman who is learning how to collect benefits.
And just saw on TV the commercial that I got called back for and STILL think I could have played the hell out of the mom-dressed-as-bird.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm prepared 8
You may find it difficult to sleep tonight, so keep a pen and pad handy to journal your troubles away before bedtime.
I never sleep when Husband is out of town; he and Son are in FL with in-laws. I'm sure 60 degrees feels sweltering compared to -4, not that I'm bitter. I mean, I get to go to Colorado in 2 weeks with the skating team. Woohoo (and that is not the LEAST bit sarcastic).
So here I am, journaling my troubles away before bedtime. What are my troubles? Nothing a big fat check wouldn't solve. Just me and the rest of the country, I guess.
Though I could have solved those problems easily tonight. Daughter and I were working the Whalers game and a man ordered a hot dog. When I asked him if he wanted anything else he said "Do you come with that?" I said "I'm pretty high-maintenance." He said "I can afford it."
So I guess I'm not that desperate for a big fat check after all.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Keep waiting 0
There could be a passionate admirer in the wings.
Um, ok, Passionate Admirer, could you please remain in the wings until I get over this cold because A) I'm kind of gross and B) I just don't have the energy.
Thanks. You're a doll.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Follow the leader 7
Lead by example. Get straight to the heart of the matter and show those around you how it's done, without fanfare. Your leadership could spark a wave of creativity that leads to bigger and better things.
I don't feel very leadershipy today; hope I was a good example. I worked when I didn't feel like it and asked for the truth when I wasn't sure I really wanted to hear it.
Just waiting for the wave of creativity to come crashing to the shore. I deserve it.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Productivity is in the eye of the beholder 8
Don't worry if you can't get anything productive done - there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow. (
Oh thank God! I got NOTHIN productive done today except pick up my back pain meds. VERY productive. And I did some cleaning and laundry this morning. And I wrote a blog entry.
Boy, I guess I was productive after all. I wish I'd been more productive though. But it looks like that's coming tomorrow. Guess I should rest up.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Looking for something big 8
What you look for will appear. You can use this luck to find your keys or your cellphone. But why not think even bigger? (Detroit Free Press)
OK, I DID think bigger! I thought about how to find work, and income. Can't really say that I found anything....until tonight. Husband and I were catching up at dinner and I mentioned that I have an audition tomorrow. I usually don't even bother to mention auditions, I get cast in only a small percentage and Husband is a realist who only likes to discuss things that are actually happening. But we're being all nice to each other so he asks who I'm auditioning for and when I tell him he says "I know who does their advertising!" and next think I know he's on the phone and now the client is totally prepped that I'm coming out to audition tomorrow.
That still doesn't mean that I'll get it. But somehow I think I will.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The first horoscope of 2009 8
You see the gulf between your ideal dreams and your current situation. There are two paths before you and two attitudes for you to choose from today. Consider your options carefully; as you pick your response to what's happening now, you're also choosing your future.
OK, then. I pick the best option, the right option, the positive option. Yes, I'm frustrated and yes, I'm feeling like the pickings are slim and I am (somewhat) unemployable but I know that I'm not. I know there's something out there; I know I can finish my book and write more. I know....I know something will happen.
Maybe not today. Maybe not even when I want - or need. But something will happen. So I choose to path that takes me from my Current Situation to my Ideal Dream.