Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In A Bog

Too much attention to detail will bog you down.

Oh, Horoscope, you're a day late and a dollar short as I totally lost yesterday to editing skating music. Yes, it bogged me down but it's done and I needed a day of sitting around and doing nothing. Basically, I needed a day in a bog.

I DON'T need a repeat today, however.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Do I Need? 2

You have friends in high places and also in weird and unlikely venues. Reach out and ask for what you need. You'll be surprised by who responds.

Of all days NOT to know what I need! Darn it!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

So I Need To Get To Work

One reason why you do that thing you don't want to do is that it makes you a better person.

Your growing confidence may lead you to make a leap of faith in your career; if you do it, it will work out beautifully! Your dreams are within your grasp now, but first you must clear the way by fulfilling the remaining commitments in front of you.

Fine, fine, fine. I'll get to work but just so you know it's not that I don't WANT to do things it's just that I have no confidence about doing them. Well, except cleaning the house. I don't want to do that. And I have no idea what my "remaining commitments" are so HOW am I going to fulfill them?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mixed Messages

Get as much work done as possible this evening so you'll have more free time for upcoming festivities and impromptu Holiday invitations.

It will probably take a few days for your actions to bear fruit so keep your expectations to a minimum. Don't force resolution or you'll only slow down your progress.

This evening IS a Holiday festivity to how am I supposed to get any work done? And I have no idea how I'm going to fit in everything I need to do today and I have no idea what actions are bearing fruit but they are going to have to go through labor without me.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Beam Me Down Scotty 2

The things that worked well before may not be effective today. The rules have changed. This gives you the chance to experiment.

The Taurus Moon will take your imagination and creativity to the next level and inspire you to start sketching out plans for a brand new enterprise.

I'm not really much of an artist and I don't understand why my Horoscope wants me to draw new plans for an iconic spaceship.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

You Want Me To What? 3

New plans are taking shape. As you work out what you want and how you will get there, many items will be left blank. This is how it should be for now.

When you clear out clutter or make minor repairs to your home today, you'll be cleansing your mind and spirit as well.

I really think my husband is moonlighting as an Astrologist and wrote the second one to try and get me to do some organizing around the house, which I WAS considering doing today but now just may avoid out of spite.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Help Yourself by Helping Others 4

Helping someone else will help you. Your self-esteem rises with every kind action. You radiate confidence because you treat others so well.

A close friend will introduce you to someone who could advance your career or inspire your heart under today's karmic Scorpio sun. First impressions are important, so make sure you look and feel your best before you leave the house.

Horoscope, today you are full of good advice that I should be heeding on a daily basis. I promise to try if you promise to deliver the person who can advance my career. Deal?

I did get the opportunity to be kind today, though I'm not sure I feel extra confident. And I certainly didn't meet anyone who wants to help my career, even though I was dressed and made up.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Devious and Out of Control

While you are not happy about your opponents' problems, you can still see the opportunity in the situation.

Don't I sound devious today? I wonder who my "opponent" is, or will be, and what kind of opportunity it is.

Outside blocks and unexpected delays will actually work in your favor if you allow the Universe free reign with your schedule today.

Have at it, Universe. Here's the reins; just warn me when you're going to break out into a run.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Can I Dream For You Today? 4

A powerful imagination is your gift. You'll help someone by dreaming for them the dreams they can't see.


When you least expect it, someone from the past could return and ask to become a part of your life again.

Again, Excellent! Maybe. Oh wait, um, maybe scary.

Well, Horoscope, you were off by a week but I did get a letter from someone I went to Jr. High with who wants to be pen pals because he's now in prison. That'll do.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Put This On And Wait Here 2

Those you deal with now may not "get" you, but they honor you with respect and pay what you're due. It's not so bad, really. Later, you'll get the full star treatment.

OK, but how much is the Full Star Treatment going to cost? Does it include a pedicure? And how much later? I can't sit around in this robe and paper slippers forever.

A day like any other day with NO full star treatment. Though maybe "later" means 2015. Nice.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'd Like To Tell You About My..... 2

Start talking about your project. You'll feel like you're starting from ground zero, but you're not: when you say the right thing to the right person, it takes off like wildfire.

Darn it, Horoscope, this is exactly the kind of thing that gets me all excited and motivated but WHICH project and who do I tell? A little help. Please.

A spontaneous invitation will lure you away from work midday, so get as much done as you can before lunchtime.

Whatever you're after ask for it now. Right now. You won't be refused, and you may end up with much more than you'd thought possible.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Me vs. The Moon 3

The Moon's journey through your sign will encourage indulgent behavior this evening so be careful about overdoing anything of a fun or impulsive nature.

What the hey? The Moon is encouraging indulgent behavior but I am supposed to keep it in check? Have you noticed the size difference between me and the Moon? This is not a fair fight at all!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pride and Obsessing 7

Your pride may overrule your normally flexible nature and make you somewhat resistant to change, so take care not to cut off your nose to spite your face. Eat more fruits and vegetables this weekend to balance out some recent indulgences.

Resistant to this talking about the VERY cool house we looked at today that is located outside my comfort zone and therefore makes me hesitant to consider it? I wonder. And sorry, Horoscope, but my diet this week has been full of anything but indulgences.

Is it my pride that would keep me from moving? Maybe. Though I did like the house...and I really liked the property. What to do. Though my house isn't even sold, so there's not much I can do at this point. Except obsess. I'm really good at obsessing.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good Advice 3

This is one of those times when saying less will convey more information. People remember sound bites.

Good advice, Horoscope. Especially since I have a speaking engagement tonight.

You'll reap the rewards of all your hard work when a surprising bonus or promotion comes your way under the Sagittarius Moon. A new dream is waiting in the wings and you'll find yourself transitioning toward it with ease. You can take great pride in all you've accomplished over the last few years both internally and externally.

A bonus or promotion would be a BIG surprise! Go ahead and surprise me!

No surprise, no bonus, no promotion. I have no idea what I'm "transitioning towards."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wasn't Pluto Demoted?

Expect plenty of intensity this week! First, get a game plan together for the road ahead as powerful planet Pluto turns direct on September 13.

How can Pluto be a "powerful planet" if it's not even considered a planet anymore? Can it be just as powerful now that's been classified as a dwarf planet (no offense intended toward dwarf's). Does it even know it's not a planet? It got demoted in 2006 but as it is so far away maybe the memo is still on the way and Pluto is sitting out there telling everyone it's a planet and won't that be embarrassing when the memo arrives and I hope Pluto is alone and not at a planet party or something so he has to read it front of everyone and get all embarrassed and then there will be an awkward silence for about a minute and then Neptune will put her arms around Pluto and say "You're really better off. Being a planet sucks." And Mars will chime in "Yeah, all the meetings." and Pluto will say "You're right, this is really freeing, there's a lot of stuff I've been wanting to do." and the party will break up early and everyone else will go home and talk about Pluto on the phone.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I AM Ready For Wealth - Big FAT 0

Meditate on your abundance and give thanks for all your blessings tonight.

Tone your usual pace down a few notches -- or decibels, as the case may be. You need peace, quiet and time to contemplate right now. Yoga might be nice.

Warrior Mars harmonizes with dreamy Neptune in your 12th House of Spiritual Mystery, making it next to impossible for you to figure out a logical solution. Instead, trust your intuition to bring you the answers that you need.

Not everyone can welcome prosperity. You have a clear conscience, and you've gone without. You are ready for wealth and it is coming your way.

No intuition, no prosperity, no yoga. I'm feeling seriously out of it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm Brilliant And Have An Agenda....I Guess 1

Don't leave out the details when you’re proposing one of your brilliant ideas to others, as the research you've done is really impressive. An unexpected phone call will bring more questions than answers, and will present you with a mystery to unravel under the Aries Moon.

You've been waiting long enough and it's time for others to learn who you are and what's important to you. Pushing your own agenda forward will not only get you closer to your goals, but will also make everyone more aware of your abilities.

Don't I just sound feisty today? I'm looking forward to the mystery phone call and am hoping it helps me come up with this brilliant idea I supposedly have because, really, I've got nothin'.

No brilliant ideas, mystery phone calls or pushing my agenda forward; just a puking kid and errands.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Making A List

A productive morning can be followed by a restful afternoon if you promise yourself you’ll get priorities out of the way first. Spend a quiet evening in meditation and solitude.

Make a list of what's important to you. Whether you write it down on paper or keep it in mind doesn't matter. What does matter is that you're able to prioritize both tasks and people with an eye toward the future. Don't let anything stand between you and what you want.

The day is filled with deals coming together. Tonight calls for a long pause to reflect on the value of silence.

Priorities, consider yourselves out of the way!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Like This - "Be Shallow So You Don't Offend Someone"

Today’s Capricorn Moon will allow you to see things from a true perspective. What you share with others could be repeated, so don't go into detail. Money shortages will be temporary; adjust your budget and carry jade or malachite to attract more abundance. Stay away from deep discussions this evening, and keep all communications light-hearted and fun to avoid a misunderstanding or hurt feelings.

Unfortunately, you could become discouraged today if your interactions with others don't live up to your high ideals. Although you wish you didn't have to settle for less, relaxing your expectations just a little can help everything to flow better now.

Slipping on my jade ring and zipping up my mouth.

Spent the day working so I didn't really have the opportunity to interact and/or be offensive. Probably a good thing; good grief I've been cranky lately.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Cheerful, Loving, Gracious, Benevolent Creative Leader

You should seek out information from professionals to discover new ways to address a cyclic problem under the enlightening Sagittarius Moon. A message from a loved one will bring affirming news that allows you to release a concern you’ve carried about their well-being. Love will inspire all your decisions today, especially if you wear green to speak from the heart.

This is your day to give. You will be more cheerful, more loving, more gracious and good than your most bene­volent moment thus far.

Seize the day by being the creative leader that others want to follow.

What is my cyclic problem? Is it a problem with cycling? And I'm bummed because I wore my green shirt yesterday so how am I supposed to speak from the heart without it today? Guess I'll just have to concentrate on being benevolent and a creative leader.

Pretty sure I was not a creative leader, OR very cheerful, loving, gracious or good. I may have been a little less cranky then yesterday. Baby steps.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Meditate and the Money Will Come 0

If you try to stick to a schedule today, you’ll meet with blocks at every turn. Meditation builds a stronger connection to the Universe, so devote more time to spiritual practices today. Watch the mail for a letter with money in it whether you're expecting one or not. Your tarot card, the Lovers, will attract wonderful new people into your world who will support and encourage your dreams.

Oh, Horoscope, you NEVER deliver money when you say you will. Though I notice you are not "promising" - just telling me to watch for it. Perhaps the wonderful new people will show up in the mail instead. Wouldn't that be a trick?!

NO money, NO supportive new friends. Horoscope, promises like this are what you get you a bad rep.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Keep your eyes open for a job that will teach the skills you need in your dream job.

You may feel as if someone is trying to prevent you from being successful. What starts as a passing thought can grow into an obsession as you attempt to untangle all the emotions and objectives that are involved. It won't be easy now to overcome the current obstacles, unless you can be patient and persistent. This is especially difficult because the return of restless Uranus to your sign today amps up your nervous system until next March.

Wait a minute, my nervous system is going to be amped up until March?!? WTF? I think I'll work on patient and persistent and keep my eyes open for dream job skills, thankyouverymuch.

Do my dream job skills REALLY involve cleaning, Horoscope? Really? Or is it going to take until March to sell my house? Whatever. I'm over it already. And cranky. Did I mention cranky?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Drawn to the Irresistible 3

The sensible thing is not to rush into love. However, this might not be possible now, as life whisks you nearer to a person or endeavor that is irresistible.

Make sure you mark and file things with extra care to avoid misplacing important objects or documents today.

It's exhausting, sure, and you've just about had it. But if you can keep your eye on the ball for a few more weeks, you'll have everything you were after.

Didn't rush into anything and didn't find anyone or anything irresistible. Though I did attend a writer's talk and one of the speakers was a TV writer and I do find the idea of writing for TV - with a group of funny writers - irresistible, even though I know I'd probably feel insecure and self-conscious the entire time. Still......and I do have an idea.....

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Defender 1

You may have to defend your reputation, ethics, or intentions under the unpredictable Gemini Moon. Document your work to protect yourself from accusations and prove your integrity and dedication. Your rebellious side could emerge when someone tries to block your movements, but you must consider what's really important or you'll cut off your nose to spite your face.

I had to do my defending yesterday and if there's more in store for today I'm not interested.

Only thing I had to defend myself against was insomnia. Ugh.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Watching the Stacey Show 2

You'll be doing what you do best and your actions will radiate style. If you could only experience yourself objectively, you would be most impressed. You're a class act.

You may feel somewhat clumsy or accident-prone, so you should avoid unnecessary physical activity if possible. Spend some time in nature, soaking up the rays of the Leo Sun.

I'm going to be stylishly clumsy today? Impressively accident-prone? Excellent.

I spent time in the car, driving the kids and I to Indianapolis. I like to think I did it with style.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Horoscope is in Cahoots With my Husband 1

Asking for what you want is a sign of self-care, not selfishness, so let your needs be known. Step back from a conflict and let it run its course under the self-regulating Aries Moon. Dress in blue to maintain an objective view of things.

Streamline. Make room for a new energy to drop into your world. The closet is a good place to start. The uncom­fortable shoes have to go.

Yes, I said cahoots. I've been meaning to clean out the closet. I've actually started but, fine, I'll finish it. Fine.

No streamlining, no conflict, no dressing in blue. Just work and dinner out.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pearls and the Pisces Moon 3

You'll be eager to start new projects under today’s Pisces Moon, but there are some loose ends you need to tie up first. Take an inventory of the things in your life that need closure, and cast off old, lifeless energies to clear a path for new interests. Wear or carry pearls to summon fresh spiritual direction. Your creative side will emerge under tonight’s Aries Moon, so immerse yourself in an artistic project or get lost in a great film.

I AM eager to start new projects, especially the one with potential this afternoon! Fingers crossed! Wearing my pearls!

Not sure that I tied up any loose ends or that my creative side emerged but I had a great afternoon buying shoes with my kids and working on a TV show.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Trust My Instincts and Hopefully Make Some Money 1

A business proposal could appear out of the blue when Mars enters Libra today, and you may have to make a decision on fairly short notice. Weighing the pros and cons could prove challenging as the Moon travels through your sign, so trust your instincts if facts aren’t available. Your social calendar will be full this evening; you'll reconnect with people you haven’t seen in ages, one of whom will have an amazing secret to share with you!

Making money isn't everything, but it seems like it is because your work life just shifted. Now is a good time to make an effort to get financial security going.

Today sounded like a great day until I got to the second 'scope. My life is one big struggle to get financial security going! But maybe that business proposal will help! Instincts, don't fail me now!

Good day, but kinda disappointing as no business proposal materialized and my social calendar was less than full this evening. In fact, I spent the day driving kids from drivers ed to golf course to ice rink to pool and was in my pj's by 8:00 pm. And how am I supposed to put any effort into getting financial security going while I'm driving kids from drivers ed to golf course to ice rink to pool?

Now I'm waiting up for instructions for work tomorrow. Ah, the glamorous life of a freelance extra.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ok, Ok, I'll Trust My Instincts 8

Instead of wasting your time trying to get others to change, focus on what you can do to improve things. Eat more natural and whole grain foods to boost your energy. It’s time to let go of bad habits, ethereal connections, and counter-productive actions that are limiting your forward movement; journal to discover where change is needed.

Your instincts are spot on. You have an inkling about what is going to happen, and the more you think about it the more likely it will happen sooner rather than later.

Is it instinct? Or just wishful thinking? How can I tell? I guess I DID a call about an audition this morning.

I'm so good at second-guessing my instincts that I'm usually surprised that they remain trustworthy. Sorry, instincts. I don't mean to doubt you. Trusted them today that I was meant to work, even though it was turning into a ton of negotiating and scheduling to make it happen then I got a call that the work day had been changed - to a much better day for me. Now, instincts, I need you to tell my nerves that everything will work out.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Keep Working Towards WHAT Goal? 1

Supporting your loved ones is admirable as long as you remember to also take care of yourself.

Mercury's move into Virgo will inspire you to consider making a career change or starting an important personal project. Keep working toward your goals despite the odds, and remember that anything is possible with the right spiritual backing.

Your friends are there for you as a fallback, but this is a mo­ment when it benefits you most to go it alone.

I'm beginning to hate these dreary work-on-yourself Horoscopes. Where's the money? The fun? I don't even know what my goals ARE, Horoscope! How am I suppose to keep working towards them?


Monday, July 26, 2010

Giant-Slaying Stones and Washing Walls 5

Someone may want more from you than you're willing or able to give, but you don't have to become a victim of anyone else's guilt trip today.

Follow your instincts under today's effervescent Aquarius Moon. With the Star as this week's tarot card, it will be easier than ever to make a wish and witness it coming true before your very eyes!

If you really hate what you're doing, stop telling yourself to hang in there. Your first duty is to yourself. These are hours of your life. Spend them happily.

You’ve been looking far and near, but the giant-slaying stone has been right in front of you.

The "giant-slaying stone"??? What giant am I slaying? What does the stone look like? What will I win? Hmmmm, today could be interesting.

I DID hate what I was doing today. Washing walls is NOT my idea of fun. But now I'm wondering if the "giant-slaying stone" was my own elbow grease because these walls were a mess and we thought we were going to have to totally repaint a good part of the house and now we aren't at all because they look fabulous. Am I reaching? Am I trying to make it fit? Am I sore? Oh yes.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mind Your Own Business 3

Pay close attention to all you hear and see today or you'll miss something important. Avoid getting caught up in any conflicts that don't involve you directly, and keep your attention on your own business under the grounding Capricorn Moon.

When the planet of luck seems to be in reverse motion, your luck may soon be changing.

Mistakes help you learn. When the important event really goes down, you'll be happy for these trail runs.

OK, Horoscope, I've been promised life-changing money and chance encounters and none of it has shown up so I don't think it's fair if you actually do dispense bad luck, missed opportunities, and mistakes. I'll be careful today; but I don't think it's fair.

I wasn't careful and I didn't mind my own business. If there was something important, I missed it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ok, Sagittarius, Watcha Got? 3

The Sun’s entry into Leo will restore your sense of hope and optimism for the future.

A chance meeting will have lasting consequences. You will parlay a short conversation into a whole life chapter. Sagittarius may be a key player in this.

I am ON THE LOOKOUT for any life-changing chance encounters today! Who will I run into? Could it be YOU?

No chance encounters today. And certainly none that could be parlayed into a whole life chapter. I'm a little disappointed, Horoscope. I'm so good at parlaying.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Money From an Unexpected Source 6

You’ll receive money from an unexpected source when Saturn enters balancing Libra and takes some of the pressure off your financial concerns. While the Moon is in Sagittarius, carefully document the facts at work and at home or you'll forget or misplace important information.

So much delicious energy is spilling out of you that it’s refresh­ing everyone around. You feel like you can do anything. You can, and you will.

You may be dazzled by so many possibilities in your life that you don't know which way to turn today. Thankfully, magic is working in your favor now; when you finally stop your expert analysis and simply begin to move, you will be heading in exactly the right direction.

Wonder if that Moon in Sagittarius will try to make me misplace the money from an unexpected source.

This is why I get irritated: I did get money from an unexpected source but not enough to ease any financial pressure. And I'm not sure I was all that energetic, or felt magic leading me in the right direction. But 100 bucks is 100 bucks! So, thanks!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why are the Sun and the Moon and the Planets and Pink Shirts Trying to Slow Me Down? 2

Some of the char­acters around you will not get along with one another, but they will get along with you.

The illuminating Sun in your 5th House of Self-Expression is being deceived by your key planet Neptune today which muddies the waters of your mind. It's challenging for you because you want to take control of a situation that may be just out of your reach. Your overconfidence may cause you to jump to a conclusion and build a strategy on an incorrect assumption. It's helpful if you move slowly now and leave the bigger decisions for another day.

The Scorpio Moon will cast a light on some household tasks you need to handle as well as those areas where you've been lax about taking care of yourself. Wear red to boost your staying power so you can accomplish everything on your list for the day.

Wow, the Sun and Moon are really on my ass today. And Neptune isn't being very nice either. Are these the "characters" around me that aren't getting along with each other? And thanks, Scorpio Moon, but you're a little late. I'm already aware of the household tasks I need to accomplish today. Got a list; I'm good.

Soooo, I put on a red shirt today but when I got to the restaurant to meet my friends for lunch one of them complimented me on my pretty "pink" shirt and I said "No, it's red, my horoscope told me to wear red" and my other friend said "Um, the wall is red, your shirt is pink. But it's pretty" so I spent the day wearing pink instead of red and I totally think that is the reason that I did not accomplish everything on my list today.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Weather-Related Horoscope! Awesome! 6

The weather out­side is fickle, but your interior forecast looks sunny and bright. This particular patch of sunlight will be large and long.

Wish I knew to what you are referring, Horoscope. Is it the move? The writing? The new attitude? I appreciate the attagirl but could use some more specifics.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Take It Slow

Financial imbalances will ease in a week or two, but you should resist the urge to create new debt in the meantime. Watch what you eat now, or you could experience a stomach ailment.

Assume nothing. Take the time to sense and feel others. All communication will be improved.

OK, I get it. Take things slow today.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

What's the problem? 3

A problem you thought was resolved will resurface under today’s Libra Moon and require your attention yet again. Refrain from making any large buys this weekend, for the things you want are almost certain to go on sale next week. Dress in pink or aqua to generate a calm, balanced atmosphere this evening.

Perhaps the "problem" is that I want to buy something large right now instead of waiting.

So, no problems resurfaced today. I didn't buy anything. I didn't dress in pink or aqua, though I did wear a bracelet with both colors to be calm and balanced and you know what? I think I was.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Well played, Horoscope 5

A new diet or physical activity will create the energy boost you need; dress in yellow to add even more power to your actions. Venus will manifest a brush with the past when it moves into Virgo today, so don't be surprised if a message from an old friend shows up in your email or voicemail box this evening.

You’re not materi­alistic by nature, but there are one or two items you find yourself wishing you had.

So, Horoscope, you have been listening. Have to say I was a little freaked out when I read this this morning while wearing a yellow shirt right after a 3-mile walk! Though, I'm not sure the walk is the energy boost I need for work tonight. The boost I need would be these pants not feeling so tight. When did THAT happen?

And I wonder who I'm going to hear from?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Cranky for a Reason 1

You probably aren't as easygoing as you were yesterday because quicksilver Mercury trines electric Uranus, shocking your nervous system with outlandish thoughts. Some of your current ideas may be truly brilliant but they cannot take form unless you choose to nurture them. Get your required tasks out of the way so you have sufficient time to develop your unconventional inspirations.

You'll be part of a student body. The difference between you and the others in this group is that you will take what you learn to the next level.

I was not part of a student body today, nor did I feel particularly unconventional or brilliant. The only thing I did today was change my hairstyle, and it sounded a lot more radical than it actually looks.

Horoscope, why are you so off lately? Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not behaving like a proper Pisces?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What will I find? 1

Don't be discouraged by the blocks or negative messages that litter your path; simply turn your attention inward. Something you lost three or four months ago will reappear in the strangest place today.

Encouraging words come at just the right time. All you have to do is let them sink in. You'll soon feel your willpower surge and your mind grow sharp. You're ready for action.

All right! I'm looking forward to a day of positive messages and reclaiming lost items! willpower, no found items, no encouraging words. WTH, Horoscope?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An Invitation 2

New energies and inspirational dreams will mark the start of a fresh cycle under today’s Taurus Moon. Be prepared to change direction when an unexpected invitation comes your way midday. To honor your commitment to spiritual growth, dress in white to add clarity and intuitive awareness to your every move.

Ok, Horoscope, I know the invitation I'm hoping for today. Don't let me down. But I can't dress in white because I have an audition and white really isn't appropriate for the role that I'm auditioning for, but how about I wear white the rest of the day?

No invitation today...or was there one? I kind of met a new friend and that's like an invitation, right? An invitation to be a friend? Still, there wasn't anything that felt completely new or unexpected.

Friday, July 2, 2010

What have I done to deserve this? 1

It may feel a little weird, but give yourself a high-five. Congratulations are in order. You have triumphed.

No idea what this is about; but hoping it means some good news today.

And if I triumphed in anything, no one told me.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Conflicting messages about conflicting messages 3

Conflicting messages will come at you from all sides and prompt you to seek information from new and more reliable sources. Wear or carry jade or emeralds to rebalance any financial upsets that crop up.

I wore jade today; I just felt the need but don't know if it did any good. Everything feels so up in the air right now. I love that auditions are coming in, but hate that waiting and wondering feeling that comes along with them. If only I could audition and forget about it. Actually, everything feels up in the air right now. I feel like I have so many questions and am waiting on the answers. But who has the answers? Where are my new and more reliable sources? Speak up!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daydreams 5

Daydreams and fantasies could distract you from your tasks as the Aquarius Moon brings your innermost fantasies to the surface. These ideals could be catalysts for breaking through the blocks that surround you if you embrace these inspirations and then act on them.

Go ahead and enjoy your private daydreams. Just remember that you won't be able to hold on to your secret forever.

Ok, I'll admit to lots of daydreaming today but don't really feel like they helped inspire me. They basically just helped me avoid reality. Thanks for that, though.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pulled in two directions 2

It will be easy to get thrown off track today, so try to practice moderation in all you do. Trust your heart over the facts, and wait for intuitive confirmation before taking any actions of a permanent nature. Friends will be your best source of support.

Is it truly impossible to serve two masters? Maybe not -- but it will become eminently clear to you now that it's certainly not easy to pull off.

My friends were TOTALLY my best source of support today! I decided to enter a Regis and Kelly Women of Radio Co-Host For A Day contest and SO MANY PEOPLE supported me! Thank you! Though, should I have waited for intuitive confirmation before entering? Now I'm second-guessing myself. Thanks Horoscope. You just negated all the support from my wonderful friends. Nice job.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Be nice even if you don't feel like it 2

Say yes to any impromptu get-togethers, for they’ll offer stimulating conversations with interesting people who can expand your awareness.

You're tired of being the person everyone looks to for meticulousness, precision and, oddly enough, flexibility. It's officially time for you to forget about everything except that which gives you unadulterated joy. Go do it.

The Full Moon Eclipse in your 11th House of Social Networking encourages you to connect with others, yet there may be so much going on in your head now that you just want to be left alone. Even if your day is full of activity, find a way to have a bit of quiet time all by yourself.

No impromptu get-togethers, except for my son. And frankly, I didn't find his friend all that stimulating. I did take time out just for me to sit outside and read. Finished Born Round by Frank Bruni and started One Day by David Nicholls. Think I was nice.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Let's see, shall we 3

I missed all of June (horoscope-wise)? How is that possible?

Though you are friendly, you are also competitive. You don't want to hurt anyone, but if there's going to be a winner today, you'd prefer it to be you.

Wear peridot or emerald stones to draw more money and security your way. Though you may spend a little more than you planned under today's impulsive Sagittarius Moon, you'll get all that had hoped for and more!

There aren't too many moments in life that are destined to go exactly the way you want them to -- so when they arrive, it's good to know about them, and even better to take advantage of them. Yes, you guessed it -- this is one of those moments.

If you are doubting yourself or your goals, exercise patience. In a few days your clarity returns and you should be able to see the direction you want to take before you make any major decisions.

OK, Horoscope. Lots to choose from today. I'll check back with you later. I'm really hoping for the money, though, just so you know!

And here's the rundown -- no real competition today. Though I did make my Oprah audition video, I guess that's a competition of sorts. And I forgot to put on my peridot (peridoh!) ring until I was making the video; but maybe wearing it for the video will draw money and security my way via the video! I don't recall anything really "going my way" but it was a good day. I got a lot accomplished. My son got called for some auditions. We had a fun night at the pool with friends.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Start Studying

The challenge that lies before you is one that will require your full battery of skills and experience. Once in a while something comes along to test us.

I thought I just went through this test. There's more? Hang on while I sharpen my #2 pencil.

Hmmm, better sharpen my wit too.

Ok, Horoscope, no big challenge today. Unless you count the heat. And I do count the heat. Especially heat that makes me feel like I'm melting like a snowman in March. Not sure that it required my "full battery of skills and experience, " though. All it really required was a better anti-persperant and more bottled water. Thanks for the heads up, though. I'll remain on full alert for tomorrow just in case you're off.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chew your food 20 times

Go carefully and slowly so as not to choke.


Has it really been two months since I've posted here? Bad me.

About today: I don't really have anything I'm working on that I would "choke" on. Perhaps I just need to eat a little more slowly.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Work Work Work 8

Don't worry about your antennae, because there's no way they'll lead you astray. The advice of others may not be quite so reliable, but you'll easily wade through what's legit and what's not -- as long as you pay attention to the signs along the way.

OK, then, because I am getting ALL KINDS of conflicting "information" and am choosing to follow my gut - and therefore YOU, Universe - so PLEASE don't let me down.

Your business sense is cunning, acute and not to be doubted. Convey that to the higher-ups and your carriage will await. Responsibility for the glass slippers is another matter entirely.

Again, I'm on YOUR side. Please be on mine.

The Moon's visit to your 6th House of Work indicates your current need to be recognized for your contribution, however small it may be. But it's important to avoid any kind of grandstanding now, as it will probably backfire on you. Just do your job as effectively as you can and rest assured that others will notice even if they don't say anything about it today.

I don't NEED to be recognized. I just need to be paid. Ok, maybe I need to be recognized a little bit.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

In search of a cheering squad

Leave no room for doubt. Your mission is too important. Surround yourself with the kind of people who see you as a person who will succeed.

Universe, I appreciate your attempts to boost me up while I'm having a down week but I don't feel important or successful and doubt I could find anyone who sees me that way.

But if it will make you happy, I will look.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stay away

Everyone in your vicinity feels your positive charge.

I wish I did.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

If today is your birthday

You will make powerful connections with those who will love you or help you move to the next level in your career! Your family thrives because of your help through the fall. Gemini and Libra people adore you.

Thank you Geminians and Libras! I adore you too!

If you compare where you were a year ago with where you are now, you'll realize that you’ve accomplished some amazing things.

Um, ok. This time last year I had no job. Now I have about 8. Ok, they're all part-time but they are pretty fun. I don't know if they're know what, they ARE amazing!

That feeling of rightness isn't just a fluke. It's the universe's way of letting you know that all is going as it should. Convey that feeling to the authorities.

Do I write a note? Or send a balloon bouquet?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bad business deals

You should stay away from business deals and financial involvements with others today, Pisces. There is not only a sense of menace in the air, but it's being picked up by others and creating kind of a tense atmosphere. The good news is that the only way you'll have a problem today is if you're hiding something. But if someone around you is hiding something, you could easily get drawn into their drama if you're not careful. Don't go out of your way to attract attention. You may get it and be sorry you did.

Noted. But who's doing business on a Saturday? I was going to take my daughter and friend shopping, does this mean I should buy something?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Satisfaction is imminent 7

You have no need to worry if your desires are not being fulfilled in this moment, for at least your wishes are being heard and progress toward satisfaction is imminent. Instead of waiting for a more perfect day, be open to the pleasures that find you in the here and now.

OK, OK, OK. I know patience is not one of my strengths, especially when I really want something and feel it is oh so close. So I'll relax and enjoy the day, Horoscope, but if this turns out to be a big tease and my satisfaction is NOT imminent then someone is getting a talking to!

Monday, February 15, 2010

My imagination is running in the wrong direction 2

This is another powerful day for you, especially if you can let your imagination lead the way. But fueling your life with your dreams is not an excuse to be completely unrealistic. It's almost as if you must maintain a double life now; you have your head up in the clouds, but also need to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Oh, Horoscope, how you taunt me. My imagination has been leading the way....but in the WRONG direction. Today all I've been able to imagine is the WRONG people in the job that I want. And by the wrong people I mean anyone but me. Believe me, I am TOTALLY living a double life right now. One side of me is acting all cool "I don't care what happens" and the other part of me is FREAKING OUT that things might not turn out like they should. Because they SHOULD turn out exactly like I want, dammit. AM I being completely unrealistic? I don't want to think I am. I think I'm being VERY realistic. BUT OMG I am EXHAUSTED from being sick and wondering and worrying and CAN I PLEASE JUST GET A LITTLE GOOD NEWS?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thanks for your consideration 10

You are on the radar for higher-ups. Someone is considering you for a special job.

Really? Because there IS a special job that I WANT to be considered for so just let me know what you need me to do. Oh, and when will I know if I actually get the special job because patience is not one of my strong suits and I'd like to start making plans and taking care of all the things that will need to be rearranged.

Here's a few highlights from my Tarot card for today:

Contracts in the creative arts. Possibilities to heal old wounds. New energies surging around you. Time to put creative thoughts into action. Good time for dreams and goals that have been put off to begin. Good time to begin work on new plan. All pieces are in place. First step to new future is at hand.

ALL those things are good and totally relate to the special job I want! I feel so teased and taunted because while the UNIVERSE is sending me all kinds of messages my PHONE is not ringing AT ALL!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tune in

It’s not every day that someone is so astutely tuned in to you.

What does this mean? Is today one of those days where someone is NOT astutely tuned into me? Or is today the day that the rule is broken and someone IS astutely tuned into me? And will that person have a choice in the matter? Most days even I don't want to be astutely tuned into me and throwing that responsibility on an unsuspecting stranger is probably not going to make their day.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Not just helpful, EXTREMELY helpful 2

You will be extremely helpful to someone, and this will bring you happiness.

I do love being helpful. But I have no idea who I could be helping today as I have a day full of errands to run and don't really anticipate seeing anyone I know or having the opportunity to be of assistance.

Maybe it's a surprise!

The surprise was no surprise; I was not extremely helpful to anyone today. Well, except to myself. I got a lot done on my To-Do list and while it didn't bring me happiness, exactly, it did make me feel a little accomplished.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good fortune...and stuff 8

You will hit a run of good fortune.

Let's hope I don't hurt it when I hit it. Because that would be the worst, wouldn't it? Hitting a run of good fortune, but hitting it SO hard that it is no longer recognizable as good fortune but is instead a twisted, broken, bleeding mess that needs immediate medical attention.

Really, I've been experiencing nothing but good fortune for months now. Is there more? Or is this horoscope late?

Even if you've never believed in fate, you're about to become aware of its existence. Circumstances that are supposedly beyond your control will put you in touch with someone you wouldn't have met if you hadn't been diverted -- so don't be mad if you lock the keys in the car.

Well, doesn't this sound promising? And it plays quite nicely with the "good fortune" from the other 'scope. And I do love it when I meet people I never expected to meet. It makes life so much more interesting.

OK, what does "good fortune" mean? Because, yes, the dress that my "sister" from the play I'm in put on hold for me did fit me and is perfect for the part; but I'm not sure I normally would have considered that "good fortune." Now I'm wondering if I should. I certainly wouldn't have found that dress on my own. Am I supposed to be counting all the little things for this run of good fortune? What about the fact that my daughter is mad at me because I don't let her do all the things her friends supposedly get to do? Is that BAD fortune? Or is that just part of being a parent and doesn't count either way?

I need a referee. Or an umpire. That's it; I need an umpire to call these plays. I need a Horoscope Umpire for a definitive ruling.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Makeup probably wouldn't hurt either.....3

Your sensitivity and style will earn you a high level of respect.

So, I guess I'd better dress up today.

Hmmmm, no one really commented on my "style" today. And I didn't feel all that sensitive as I forced my daughter to go on an audition that was outside her comfort zone. Perhaps I was respected from afar.

Yeah, that's it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Here's the situation

You’ll feel a strong connection to a situation or person and may assign a mystical meaning to this resonance.

Oooooh, this sounds promising! Though I wonder if I'll "assign a mystical meaning" because this person is wearing a turban or something. That sounds like something I would do. I am wondering how I can feel a strong connection to a situation. I'm a little concerned because I keep reading about that guy on that stupid new reality show whose nickname is The Situation and, even if I don't meet him (which seems really unlikely), maybe I am going to meet someone who has given himself the nickname A Situation (which is a lame version of The Situation) and I'm not sure I really want to feel a strong connection to someone who would give himself a lame nickname.