Saturn will turn retrograde and begin to transform obstacles into gifts over the next two months. Your plans to ring in the new year could be altered at the last minute, so wear blue to help you weather the disappointment and find an even better way to celebrate.
With the power being mostly out for the last four days (I guess I would consider that an obstacle) we really have not had time to make NY plans. Though now that I think about it, the plans that we did make were altered. Our good friends loaned us a generator to get us through this power outage - delivering it and hooking up the furnace then coming to pick it up once the power came back on last night. We insisted on taking them to dinner tonight, but he called this morning and asked for a rain check after finding out he had to work all day. I pulled steaks out of the freezer and found the Confetti Blasters that Son has been requesting and we had a great dinner with confetti in our food and chocolate cake and Rock Band for dessert. Husband has a cold and is going to bed, but Son and Daughter are insisting on remaining awake until midnight. Anyway, I didn't need to wear blue (and I'm wearing charcoal and black) to find a better way to celebrate. This is the best way I can imagine (except for Husband's cold, of course).
I am counting on my obstacles being turned into gifts over the next two months, and you can bet I will be keeping watch. I want to finish my book, and get started on the next one, and get a job to make money in the meantime. Do your work, Saturn. I'm counting on you.
Hard to believe this blog is a year old. As I look back I see that sometimes it was right when I didn't give it credit; a lttle spooky. But as no one is reading, who will know?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The last horoscope of 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I've got to stop hiding presents from myself 8
You may discover a gift or two that got lost in the shuffle, so check wrappings carefully before tossing them away.
Ha! Some of my gifts never even made it into the shuffle. As we were out of town until last night, I had everything wrapped and hidden. After we put the kids to bed I put items in Husband's stocking and pulled out the Santa gifts, ate a few of Santa's cookies and went to bed. This morning Husband asked me where a some gifts were and....I knew I'd wrapped them but couldn't find them anywhere. Finally found them in the spot where I'd hidden the Santa gifts, but in a bag so I didn't notice them. So, the kids got a second Christmas about half an hour after the first one.
Could have been worse, I guess.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Order up 7
You've put your order in and you know that it's going to take some time for the universe to deliver. Don't wait around until things happen, though. Hustle. Then when your order finally arrives, you'll be ready.
So the Universe is McDonald's and not Fleming's Steakhouse. At Fleming's when I put my order in I sit back, relax, and have a glass of wine. At McDonald's I place my order and then hustle to get my napkins and my ketchup and some salt and - usually - fill my own drink.
You know, I'm ready when my order comes at either place.
But I will hustle, Universe. I will prove that I can do more than sit back and relax though someday - just once - I'd like to experience the Fleming's lifestyle. I'd like to place my order and have it delivered looking and tasting better and arriving faster than I expected.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Too stupid to refuse 3
You'll be asked to do what you recognize to be a bad idea, and yet it's hard to say no. Use humor and warmth, but do refuse.
This concerns me, I did everything I was asked today. Have I lost the ability to recognize a bad idea and just went along with whatever stupid thing I was to do?
I wonder if it was just a bad idea for today. Maybe once the clock strikes midnight I'll be free of whatever idiocy I've accidentally climbed into bed with.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Welcome to the 5th House 4
You are able to be expressive today without saying much of anything now that the Moon is in your creative 5th House of Fun and Games. You may be drawn toward playful activities with children or other tasks that don't require too much conversation.
My Moon (and everything else) was definitely in the House of Fun and Games. Celebrated Son's birthday at Zap Zone where everything was loud and .... zappy. Though my "activities" with the children pretty much consisted of me scouring the place to make sure we hadn't lost any and then making them cry when I said "There are NO tokens. We're eating cake. Sit down." Though why did they cry? It was good cake. 1 cake mix, 2 cans of frosting, and a box of nerds. What else does an 8-year old need?
After the party I was completely drawn to tasks that don't require too much conversation; I download all the photos and designed a New Year's card because it is just waaaay too late for Christmas cards. So, yes, I WAS playful and uncommunicative. Because that's the way I roll.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Not happy with Taurus 0
Today's Taurus Moon could bring unexpected money your way - enough to help you to let go of financial fears once and for all.
Oh, I get it - I didn't pay attention to the "could." Or I "expected" it. Because I got NO money today. I just got people wanting money. I even called one of the agencies I work for to see if they'd, like, maybe forgotten my number or something. Nope. "It's been slow."
I've been in "financial fear" all day Taurus Moon! Don't promise what you can't - or refuse to - deliver!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm the iron 3
Take one giant step now in any direction. You'll end up on Park Place with tons of money tucked under your side of the board.
Was too tired to get to this last night and am now panicked that I didn't take a giant step in any direction. Does that mean I don't get the money?
And what exactly is a "giant step?" How on earth am I supposed to know what I should be doing?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Oh, I'm wondering 5
Stop wondering what you could possibly have done differently. You can't undo what's been done. Besides, everything happens for a reason. Accept it all unconditionally.
Really? Everything? Like my daughter leaving her ipod at the ice rink so I have to drive BACK there at 8 pm? Or like no work coming in? Or like cats leaving the remains of bodily functions that only belong in a litter box all over the house? 'Cuz I'm not sure I CAN accept it all unconditionally. I think I may have a few conditions; a few expectations, a few...demands.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The war inside 10
You're torn in two. Your mouth is insisting that you let that verbal venom fly. Your innate sense of discretion is begging, on bended knee, that you think about the consequences. Fortunately, there's a happy medium. Unfortunately, you won't find it today. Wait until tomorrow to speak.
Oh my my my. This is a common state for me but I am feeling it EXTRA intensely today about a certain situation that involves my daughter, and frozen water, and lots and lots of money. So, I am following advice and keeping my mouth shut.
My fingers will be silenced as well. Damn email.
Call In Sick Dec. 5, Pisces
This is one of the headlines on AOL this morning! It's a HEADLINE! How bad is Dec. 5 going to be?
They should so not be allowed to do that.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Rest and shop, shop and rest 5
There is rest for the weary, contrary to popular opinion. Take a well-deserved vacation from troubles and woes. You will find there are plenty of bargains to be found if you go shopping this weekend.
Could not escape my troubles and woes but did go shopping today with Husband and found exactly what we were looking for. Kinda feel like this 'scope is cheating, though. I mean, of course there are bargains to be found this weekend. I don't need Astrology to tell me that.
Did I rest, or take a vacation from my troubles and woes? Not really. Had a fun day, but still have my worries and my windmills to tilt at. I'm so weary of them; is there really rest?
Also - I have no idea why the post below ended up on Mon 11/24. It's from Thanksgiving, which is why I talk about .... Thanksgiving. (11/27)
Monday, November 24, 2008
No turkey 2
You've got to make sure that you're not just chugging through the day without paying attention to those around you. There's a lot more going on than you realize yet, so open those eyes!
What did I miss? Think I paid attention today, but I did leave my glasses up at mom and dad's house...
Thought it was a pretty fun Thanksgiving. Chatted with my niece and nephew that I haven't seen in a while, helped with the dishes, made sure everyone's wine glass stayed filled...think I covered all the important stuff. If felt like a good day so I'm not going to second guess it.
I'm stuffed full of good food, I had a great time with my family, and I got my son to try turkey. All in all, a success.
The sign says.... 9
Minor irritations create pearls, but it might be better to clam up. Building a storehouse that holds pearls of wisdom requires an atmosphere of tranquility. Don't let outside influences upset you.
I'm trying really hard not to let minor irritants get to me, but today was a day full of irritations. In the ortho waiting room this morning I had to wait (extra long it seemed) next to Sniffles Woman. Hey, how about blowing your nose? I was reading Elle magazine while I waited and when I got to the book reviews read "there is a LOT of memoir out there, and Chick Lit, too much really..." Great. Effing terrific. I've been working my butt off on memoir chick lit and the market is already glutted! Once again I'm a step behind. Then when I get to the chiropractor we are chatting as he contorts and yanks my spine and he asks what I've been doing and I tell him I'm finishing a book and he asks what it's about and I tell him and he says "People will read that?"
Is this some kind of test? Am I being pushed to see how much adversity I will put up with, how bad I really want this? Or am I supposed to realize that I am spending hours and hours working on something that no one will ever read? I try to pay attention to the signs I'm given but how am I supposed to distinguish between signs and tests without a little help here?
Should I try to remain tranquil and not let these outside influences upset me? Or should I....give it up?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Busy busy busy 9
Your 10th House of Public Responsibility is receiving a lot of attention, especially when noisy Mercury arrives for a 3-week visit. Although today may be a day of rest on the calendar, you are in a period of rock and roll where the excitement mounts and pretty much anything can happen. It may be tempting to drift off and be an observer, but it's a lot more entertaining to remain an active participant.
I really don't like Public Responsibility and I don't know why Mercury has to be so noisy and I don't have time for anything exciting. Trying to write a book here.
But I would be lying if I said I would eschew the excitement for rest and relaxation. It's just not in me. And I think it's pretty interesting that three weeks from today is the Skate for the Cure event that I am helping to promote, with Thanksgiving and ice show auditions, and a competition, and book due date in between.
Oh, and Christmas shopping, and getting gifts wrapped because we're going on vacation, and making sure everyone has clothes for warm weather to wear on vacation, and getting ready for Son's birthday party.
And selling Christmas Cookie Trees.
What else have I forgotten? Three weeks might not be enough time.
Friday, November 21, 2008
School supplies at the ready 9
The Sagittarius Sun will lots of writing for the next four weeks, so break out a new notebook and start journaling.
I'd like to be finished with my writing project before 4 weeks are over but if I'm honest -- 4 weeks is a fair estimate. But then it will be done. Done! And the book can go on to where it needs to and I can go on and do what I need to do and when we meet later it'll be like...
Me: Book, you look good! Nice cover.
Book: Thank you. And look at you, you've been busy! Is that my baby brother?
Me: It's a girl, but yes.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
But we were just getting reaquainted! 8
A financial woe may force you to tighten your belt over the next few weeks, but it will be the only way to regain your footing. Place a malachite or jade stone under your pillow to encourage more money to come your way.
Nooooooo! I thought I was finally getting the financial situation under control. WHAT is this about? I don't think I CAN tighten my belt any more, it has practically been cutting off my circulation.
I am seriously considering putting my jade ring under my pillow tonight. I sounds ridiculous. But if you were told how to encourage money to come your way and it involved putting something under your pillow that you actually'd do it right? I's not too stupid, is it?
And what is malachite? Because if I have some of that it's going under the pillow too. Heck, I'm just going to put my whole jewelry box under there tonight.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
If you can't say anything nice....2
The Sagittarius Sun will have people bragging about you today, but even if the praise is justified, you're wise to remain humble. (
How would I know if people were bragging about me today? Most people don't brag about other people right in front of them...."Did you hear what a FANTASTIC job Stacey did? Right, Stacey? You were fantastic, weren't you?"
So, not knowing what the praise was, I have no idea if it was justified or not. I would just like to say that if there WAS praise or bragging going on about me today....I humbly thank you!
Friday, November 14, 2008
2 out of 3 ain't bad - 8
Be steadfast in tackling all the projects that have been eluding you over the last few weeks; get them done now. The Gemini moon will inspire your gift of gab, and you'll find yourself engaged in conversation with just about everyone who crosses your path - even virtual strangers. Any health problems that flare up can be attributed to stress; to alleviate them, go to bed early this evening. (
I tackled projects all day - and am still trying to tackle them. Wrote three blogs, made gift bags for the skating festival, went to Target, and have the book file open to work on. It's all projects all the time. And I totally did have the gift of gab today. I didn't see that many people, but definitely was chatty with everyone - even the strangers - that I did come across. Now back is sore from sitting on bleachers in the skating rink but I can't go to bed early; Daughter has friends over and the mom won't be here until the high school play is finished.
I'm trying not to be stressed. Things are working out so I don't know why I just can't trust that they will continue to work out. Why do I do that to myself? I know it's ridiculous and I do it anyway.
If I'm in bed on my laptop does that count as going to bed early?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Can you spare a little change? 5
The big changes coming into your life are coming -- be patient! As excited as you might be for them, you can't rush them before their time. If you do, you run the risk of becoming too overwhelmed too soon -- and then they won't be as much fun as you thought they'd be. They'll just be a bunch of headaches. So let things unfold on their natural timetable.
The big changes that are coming are coming? Really? Because I thought the "coming" changes might have stopped off for a drink somewhere or found something better to do and weren't coming anymore.
As for overwhelmed, it's pretty much a constant state these days. And I'm certainly not rushing anything tonight. I should be writing or working on websites but am watching TV - which I hardly ever do these days. (Yeah, yeah, yeah... I hear the excuse).
I am trying to be calm and flexible and wait on the natural timetable. But it's really hard to wait on the natural timetable when you don't have a printed copy.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It's Got To Be....Me 8
You'll be getting a lot of positive reinforcement today, in the form of beautiful words about how wonderful you are, how smart you are, how desirable you are. Naturally, this will leave you feeling pretty good about yourself! Build on that good feeling by taking a few more bold risks and challenges in your life -- you need to start believing that you can excel in the most demanding situations. After all, everyone else believes you can! It's perfectly fine to prove them right. (Washington Post)
Oh, hello, Horoscope from Yesterday, lookee here. You said my life would suck today because of the companions, wine, and song from last night and I would just like to tell you that it did NOT! I totally rocked my audition. No, I don't know if I got it or not, but who cares - I was fab!!
Now to the bold risks and challenges. Hmmm... let's see. I made a magic wand for Daughter's skating duet. I reached out to some media about the skating team exhibition and fundraiser. I attended a Figure Skating Club Board Meeting. I...what the hell? There was nothing bold, risky, or challenging about my day after the audition. What a disappointment. Once again I spent my day working on stuff for my kids.
Maybe I'll just feel good about myself today and take some risks tomorrow. That sounds like a plan.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Curses, foiled again 9
If you need to be on your toes tomorrow, go easy on the wine, companions and song. Really easy. All of these categories can be hazardous to your career.
Shoot! Son's guitar teacher and Daughter's skating coach both called in sick so I took it as a sign that we should stay home and eat dinner as a family. I had two glasses of wine, then we played Rock Band! I've done everything wrong!! And I have an audition tomorrow for a movie role!
Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn!
I have got to start reading my horoscope earlier in the day.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
TLC is a requirement not an option 5
Make no mistake -- the most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. So today, don't be shy about putting yourself first. Lavish some time on yourself and give yourself some tender loving care. Don't forget to consciously thank the universe for giving you the choices it's given you. Every single one of them has taught you more about how strong and amazing you are.
Guess I did that - in a way. It wasn't much of a choice, though I guess I could have chosen to keep working and ignore the pain in my, no I couldn't. So I gave myself an ice pack and a movie and stayed in bed all afternoon.
Not sure what my choices are - or have been - but I'm pretty happy with the Universe. I know I taunt.... but it's because I love. Please keep that in mind next time I start screaming or whining. I'm really pretty pretty happy. And amazing. Not so sure about strong.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
How can you dream if you're wide awake? 0
Dreams are for sleeping and usually for keeping to yourself. However, you may find that sharing some of your most unusual ideas and flights of fancy with someone will help you find ways to make at least one of them a reality. (Detroit News)
I see a few problems here. A) All of my ideas are unusual. B) I didn't discuss any ideas with anyone today. C) I'm not that good at keeping my thoughts to myself. And D) I haven't been SLEEPING!
This horoscope totally does not apply to me. It's like the opposite of me. Really, Universe, if you want me sharing dreams I need to get over this back pain so I can sleep. Is that too much to ask?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Be careful who you vote for 9
The decisions you make today are going to affect more than just your life -- other people are more involved than you realize. This doesn't mean that you should make different choices than you were planning to make, it just means that if you do, you should be prepared for some conflict -- not everyone is going to be happy. (abridged from
Couldn't this be the horoscope for everyone who voted today? Or maybe I am that "one vote" that can change everything that we keep hearing about. Either way, everyone is not going to be happy tomorrow. Only about half the people are.
Will there be conflict? Or will the country do what it usually does and accept what the voters have wrought?
Did I decide anything else today besides who to vote for? Well, I did decide to buy a purse and probably spent more on it than I normally would and you would think that I would be full of buyer's remorse and guilt over spending too much money but I'm just not. I can't remember the last time I bought something that was strictly selfish, and while I'm not holding on to the "I deserve it dammit!" mentality I know that I've been looking for a purse for over 6 months and am pretty darn happy with this one. I refuse to feel guilty.
Though that could be the wine I've been consuming to dull the pain of the flu vaccine I got today. I do NOT remember them hurting this bad.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The mysterious allure of a good night's rest 7
You'll be drawn to the mysterious and metaphysical as the Sun and Mercury travel through Scorpio. You'll also contemplate new dreams or a favorite fantasy under the optimistic Aries Moon.
If my bed is mysterious and metaphysical then this 'scope is dead on. I still have trouble sleeping because of back issues. I'm feeling better during the day but sleeping gets painful, especially when I move at all so I end up waking up at least 10 times a night and, lately, getting up WAY earlier than I would like. Thank God for Ambien because there are some nights that my body just knows that it will start hurting an hour after I lay down and I won't even be able to get to sleep. I kept trying to nap today but it didn't really take. And with the time change, I am at a severe sleep deficit.
I am contemplating my favorite fantasy that involves no back pain and everyone else in my family putting their own frickin' dishes in the dishwasher. Is that really too much to ask?
Friday, October 31, 2008
You're the one that I want - whoever you are! 2
Many people want to help you, but only one will really be able to provide what you need. You know that person the minute you see him or her.
No, I don't! So if you are the person who can provide what I need please introduce yourself. Or wear a shirt that says "Pssst, Stacey - it's me!" Anything!
And the rest of you who want to help - don't let this horoscope discourage you! Jump right in and give me directions/assistance/orders/gifts/money. I promise you will not be turned down!
I'm all business 9
A business partnership with a friend, lover, spouse, or a woman is bound to be profitable. This also promotes a love of partnerships and a desire to associate with those of means.
So glad to hear that! Spent the morning with Jill (a friend and a woman!) working on our new business partnership and think it is going to be fabulous. I'm not even thinking about where I'm going to find the time to pull it off because the idea came (tho to be fair it came to Husband, not me), and the stuff we need came, and I'll just have to believe that the time will come too.
I do have a love of partnerships and a desire to associate with those of means! Especially if they are sharing those means!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Does zero count as a level? 9
Energy levels will bounce back in just another day or so. Concentrate on creative ideas and use patience.
Oh Thank God because I have NO energy and lots of creative projects that I need to get to work on.
If you've missed me, that's where I've been -- catching creative ideas as they come falling from the sky around me. Caught an agent, a new business, a new website to create, an event to plan, and a potential voice over gig. This is what happens when you tell the Universe you want to be really busy with really fun projects.
Take responsibility for what you create in your world by realizing that the way you think determines how things show up in your life. Also, you may find yourself working hard during this period at some mental project.
Yikes! This is exactly what I've been thinking today as I realized that I asked for all these aforementioned (isn't that cool how I snuck in a legal term?) things. Though I'm wondering which project is the "mental" one. Or maybe I'm the mental one.
Is aforementioned really a legal term? Probably not, huh?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Everything old is new again - right? Please? 2
New ideas that come to you via the Internet or a friend could keep you up late, contemplating your options for the future.
So it's late (for me) and I've been online for a while and even heard from an old friend and still have NO ideas about my future. I mean, I have the same old ideas I've been having - write a couple books, sell a couple million books - but nothing newer than that.
There's no longer a sufficient reason for you to surrender your power and attempt to please everyone at the cost of your own happiness. Let others know how you feel, even if the consequences of your declaration may be temporarily challenging.
Hmmm. I thought I was being discouraged from the selling opportunity that presented itself then suddenly - without warning - it popped back up as something I "should" be doing. But I really don't want to. I want to write. And I'd like to let "others" know how I feel, but instead I am letting the calls go to voicemail because I am a wuss. Do I have to let others know how I feel? Can't I just pretend to sell stuff for a while then pretend it didn't work out?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
God is in the details and apparently He's got it out for me 4
Although you may choose to focus your attention on the details, it's these same details that spell defeat for you. To the contrary, steer yourself toward big ideas, sound judgments and amazing adventures.
Do you remember on Sesame Street how they used to sing that song that went "One of these things just doesn't belong here, one of these things just doesn't belong!" and they would show 2 monsters and a piece of pie and all the four year olds at home would scream "pie!" at the TV?
I kinda feel that way about big ideas, sound judgments, and amazing adventures, with 'sound judgments' being the pie of the mix. Wouldn't sound judgment bring an end to most big ideas and amazing adventures? Maybe I'm just not having the right big ideas.
And what are the small details that are going to defeat me? I'm trying to think of any small details I focused my attention on today...brushing my teeth, tying my shoes, answering my email. I bet it's the email. I seem to spend a ridiculous amount of time dealing with email these days. But my email brought good, big-picture news today!
Confused. Confused. Send clearer messages, please.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Guess again 3
Avoid making any major purchases and put on a pair of your comfiest jeans. Who are you trying to impress? It's the right day to spend time with people who...
who.... who WHAT? Seriously, do not leave me hanging like this. I even wore sweat pants most of the day instead of real pants or even jeans, and the only major purchase I made was socks and I didn't try to impress anyone, I swear! So why are you just trailing off like that?
It's the right day to spend time with people who... wear hats, like monkeys, know how to milk a goat? What? Should I be spending time with people who like Family Guy, who went to Harvard, who have tattoos?
Would someone please help me out here?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Too inert to... 9
You have much to give, but it might not be easy to overcome the inertia of negativity that currently restrains your thinking. Working harder may not be the answer now; persistence and a more positive outlook are what you need.
Oh. My. God. I didn't have just inertia of negativity today, I had backwards motion of negativity. What is wrong with me? It seriously took all my willpower today to think positively about my fabulous life. And that is whack. Hee hee, a little gangsta there.
So I was persistent and continued to think positively today even though my jeans fit me like a sausage casing and my back is frickin' killing me and I haven't heard back from any agents. Hooray for me!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's not me, it's you 5
You've been accused of moodiness, but you pick up the vibes of the people around you. It's more important than ever that you're around happy people.
See! It's totally not my fault. I mean, how am I supposed to be nice to you when I am picking up your mean and nasty vibes? Shape up, people.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Round and round we go 9
A gift of money will add more balance and stability to your finances under the Taurus Moon.
Of course it would. Unfortunately I checked 6 different horoscopes for Pisces today and not one of them had advice on how to get someone to give me a gift of money.
Unless I'm supposed to give a gift of money. Though I don't see how that will add balance and stability to my finances. Still, I have plans to do it anyway. And I did get a call for a potential gig this weekend.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
But will the clarity help me see through the political crap? 8
You are entering a phase of strength, clarity, and increasing confidence.
Well, hello me.
And I do feel that way. I'm thinking positive and all kinds of positive things are peeking their heads out of the ground and seeing if they want to stick around. But I'm watching the debate right now and McCain is already acting so snarky and talking so condescendingly that it's taking all my willpower not to throw my laptop at the TV.
Isn't there some kind of color I could be wearing to feel peaceful?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Yes, mom, I'm doing my homework 7
Your tarot card for this week is the Emperor, which means you should honor your responsibilities and commitments instead of succumbing to the temptation to let things slide.
I'm trying to write and I did my frickin' exercises from the chiropractor but am not happy to hear that I am BREATHING wrong and apparently all these years of sucking in my gut to avoid looking 5 months pregnant has been messing with my back and contributed to this painful situation.
Seriously, how do you breathe incorrectly? All this time I thought that inhale-exhale pretty much covered it but apparently there's more involved than that. My ribcage was/is lifting too high and I'm breathing too shallow. Shallowly? Whatever, I'm just not doing it right. And if I'm not doing something right that my body should be doing naturally on its own I don't think that bodes too well for the things I'm actually trying to do.
So OF COURSE I'm tempted to just let things slide. They're already sliding on their own.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Can you hear me now? 3
If you venture out under this evening's destiny-oriented Pisces Moon, you'll experience a karmic connection.
I ventured out tonight to work in the concession stand at the sparsely-attended Plymouth Whalers game and if tonight has anything to do with karma - I wonder what the hell I did wrong. Someone please tell me that it is NOT my destiny to serve up fried food and $7 beer.
Though one customer did comment - after I checked his ID to make sure he was buying his alcoholic beverage legally - that I look 28. Yeah, yeah, I know he was lying or blind or stupid or trying to get his beer for free (like I even HAVE that kind of authority) but ...28! I am accepting it and keeping it and there is nothing you can do stop me.
I should really wear my glasses more often.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
It's a wonderful life 8
The abundance surrounding you will become even more evident when you discover that the Universe has been moving you into a better place. (Aren't you glad you agreed to come along?) Practicing gratitude for your gifts will generate more of the same, so make a list of all the things you have to be thankful for.
OK, so yesterday I was supposed to keep my expectations low and today I'm expressing gratitude for being moved into a better place? Better than low expectations? WT...?
List of things I have to be thankful for: Family, friends, home, work, opportunities, fun, supportive and cute husband, my hysterical kids, skating carpool, wonderful in-laws, inspirational books, inspirational friends, supportive friends and family, published book, Ugg slippers, auditions, writing gigs, great hairdresser, friends that make me laugh until I cry, great people to work with, old friends....I could go on and on. And maybe I will.
So here I am in a better place. What am I supposed to do here?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
You want what now? 7
Keeping your expectations low will enable you to avoid disappointment. Your ideals are still a bit skewed from the reality of a situation, but with perseverance, patience and wisdom, you can bring the two into alignment under today's Capricorn Moon.
How am I supposed to remain positive and believe that I'm capable of anything and keep my expectations low at the same time? Universe, I believe you are finally asking too much of me. I have spent the last few months working on positive thinking and believing that anything is possible and what are you telling me now? Anything is possible for everyone except for me? Not quite everything is possible, better not expect too much?
Too bad. I'm all positive now. I've got writing gigs and auditions and I refuse to try and align with anything close to disappointment. Of course, this refusal will probably lead to disappointment when the auditions don't pan out and the writing gigs don't pay as well as I'd like. I know, I know, at least I was warned.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How to...make a commercial about ice cream without getting to eat any 8
Chances are good that you're surrounded by fans and media now, but as soon as you can fit it in, start thinking about a title for the how-to book you'll feel eminently qualified to pen.
Shot a TV commercial this evening; don't know if that counts as surrounded by media but definitely feels close. And the how-to book, well I already have the title.
And when I got home there was an email waiting. A Cub Scout troop wants me to come talk about writing and working in the media. Wonder if I'll get paid in popcorn.
Am hoping this lasts through tomorrow morning as I have another audition and can use another gig.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Were the intrigue and the travel in my past life? 3
Lighting myrrh incense can coax a past life memory to the surface, and because Mars will move into karmic Scorpio today, you'll gain some surprising insights into how that lifetime is affecting you now.
I am soooooo glad I don't have any myrrh incense in the house because I'm pretty sure a past life memory would just freak me out. I don't mind karma or insights, even surprising ones, but I really don't need a mental image of me working as a maid or living in a hut with 10 kids in a time with no indoor plumbing or toothbrushes.
According to everything I've read when Mars moves into Scorpio it's all about ambition, travel, and intrigue. Ambition I've got, but my life is a little too suburban for any travel and intrigue. The closest thing to "intrigue" in my life is the obnoxious boy across the street who rings the doorbell and runs away and thinks I don't know that it's him. Though this evening I turned into Cranky Neighbor Lady and snuck around the back of my house and yelled "If you ring my doorbell again I will tell your parents!"
Daughter was at the front door when I yelled and when he and the other kids (who had probably goaded him into it) took off she yelled "You BETTER run!"
We are definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Maybe pilates would help 7
Flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many directions at once and will tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. Positively, you may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful.
I definitely got all the scattered forces and crazy jumping around but am still waiting for the original plan or insight. There were good things happening, but good things that are going to take me out of my comfort zone and I feel...uncomfortable about that. But I guess that is the unexpected that I must accommodate.
Think I did a good job being flexible and thinking on my feet. But who really knows. I'm pulled in too many directions to be able to figure it out.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Don't you want me, baby? 1
Load up on the skepticism and apply it liberally to any 'great' new opportunity that comes your way. And remember that the harder someone pushes you to join in, the more likely it is that they have ulterior motives.
I feel like my life is a series of Seinfeld episodes. Today's episode is The Checks (#141, season 8 - where the cult of carpet cleaners doesn't want George) because I'm sitting her pouting that no one tried to pressure me into any 'great' new opportunities that weren't really great for me. No one pushed me to join anything! People, why don't you want me in your freaky little clubs?
Today WAS the kind of day where little things just seemed to work themselves out. It stopped raining so I could go for a walk. When I called for a hair appointment the receptionist asked "Would you like to come in on Saturday?" and my Book Club got postponed until next week - when I won't have to leave early because of carpool duty.
I liked today. But after reading my horoscope I feel like I'm missing out on something. Perhaps there would have been a great story about someone trying to talk me into running for office or something.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stop in the name of thought 4
Stop thinking. Replace thinking with dreaming, believing and doing.
Who advises someone to dream over thinking? Believing and doing I can see, but dreaming? What the...?
And how do you STOP thinking? I have really tried and all I can get to is "Oh, so here I am, not thinking. Well, this isn't really all that different."
Thinking here must mean worrying, 'cuz if you take that out of the equation - any equation - it's much easier to get things done. I've accomplished a lot of things because I didn't know (i.e. think or worry) that I shouldn't be able to do them. So how do I get back to that place? I know too much now. I've seen too many limitations. I've experienced too many limitations.
Though I know my default status is Unwarranted Optimism. Guess I just need to hit Reset.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Germ party 0
Hang on to your hat. You may be stirred to make snap decisions and move at a brisk pace with social affairs.
The only thing I wanted to do with my hat was throw up in it. No snap decisions and no brisk pace and certainly no social affairs. Had such a brutal headache I nearly cancelled Daughter's ortho appointment; but I didn't send her to school with lunch as the appt. was during her lunch hour and she wouldn't have anything to eat. Yes, I know, I'm such a good mom for not letting my daughter starve so I could nap and/or lie moaning about my headache.
Still, even through the nausea and horrible headache it wasn't a bad day. Finished some work, heard from a part-time gig I applied for last month and, yes, they want me, and Daughter worked out skating issues and is feeling better. Oh, and son is learning to write with his left hand because of the broken arm. The nice thing is that his regular handwriting is still so sloppy that the left-hand writing doesn't look that bad.
I'm convinced I contracted some disgusting germs from handling money in the concession stand Saturday night. Maybe the germs are moving at a brisk pace through my system and will be gone tomorrow.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Home is where the... 2
Turn your attention to home and loved ones today; reconnect with playful, restful activities under the comfort driven Virgo Moon.
My attention was ALL on my home today but it was not playful or restful. Furiously cleaned the house this morning, harping on kids to help out until I hated the sound of my own voice. But why am I scrubbing and inhaling bleach fumes while my 13-year old daughter - who HAS no back issues - lies on the couch watching DVR'd episodes of Project Runway?
Virgo Moon, I believe you are really driving me to create comfort for others, and while I applaud your efforts please don't try and pass this off as "reconnecting activities." The only connection we had this morning was a bad attitude. If you really want me to spend the day in a playful, restful mood, give me a heads up the day before and let me know to get all the housework done so I'm not bitter and cranky.
Or maybe you're just off: tomorrow is all about the "reconnecting activities" -- popcorn sale with son in the morning and skating carpool and coach/parent/skater conference with daughter in the afternoon. I doubt these events will be playful or restful either, but what's a mom to do?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
'Cuz the experts are sooooo smart 0
If you listen to the experts under today's Leo Moon, you'll learn about a financial change that can add more stability to your movements.
Seriously? The President was on TV last night delivering the bad news about the economy, McCain and Obama have practically halted their campaigns and met with all the mucky-mucks in Washington today (though from the sound of it, the meeting was purely for appearances), the market has been up and down like a teeter totter, and I'm supposed to believe that SOMEWHERE out there is an expert with an idea for a financial change that will make everything OK. At least for me.
Pardon me for being doubtful.
Though maybe it just means there's a financial change I can make that will make me walk more stable. Like dividing the change equally in my pants pockets. If I carried any change in my pants pockets.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
How will I recognize them? 4
Tonight's Cancer Moon may reconnect you with loved ones from a past life.
FREAKY! This is SO going to bring on insomnia.
Oh, re: yesterday's scope. Got a call today for a commercial shoot in a few weeks. Perhaps I should raise the rating.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The sound of my stupidity 7
When you hear the sound of your voice, you should be pleased. If you're not, find a better way to express yourself.
Seriously, how did I NOT get a call for a voice over audition today? I even walked right into TWO agencies today to drop off head shots -- nothing.
Though maybe I was supposed to be putting my voice over demo together. Doh!
OR, since I don't really like the sound of my voice I should have been writing. Double doh!
Am I ever going to get this right?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Imperfect is my middle name 9
You are so busy trying to make everything perfect in your life right now that you're forgetting how satisfying and beautiful imperfections can be! Today you need to challenge yourself to step back and take a break from your attention to detail. Let your eyes focus on far away ideas instead of immediate minutia. Get a fresh perspective. Right now you don't have to prove anything, so relax and remind yourself that being less than impeccable is also called being human.
I'm pretty sure I've got the "less than impeccable" thing down. But I had to have a conversation with Daughter this evening about the very same thing. She has been working so hard on her new skating team but was pulled aside by the coach tonight who told her she can't believe how well Daughter is blending in but her moves aren't quite up to the standards for judging and she's going to have to start pulling her out at practice (so they can practice the routine with skaters that can be judged). Daughter has worked SO hard and come SO far and all the work will pay off for her eventually, but I know how hard that was for her to hear. And I had to be positive and give her a pep talk when all I really wanted to do was call the coach and yell at her for taking the wind out of my daughter's sails!
But it's a lesson for both of us. One I keep learning, and one I hope she learns a lot faster than I am. You won't always get immediate gratification; in fact, sometimes gratification is a long time coming. And imperfections are beautiful - that is the only reason I've had a career.
Thanks for the reminder and the fresh perspective, Universe. But you didn't have to break my son's arm for me to get the imperfection message.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Next thing you know I'll be home schooling 6
Travel far beyond the normal avenues and let a whim take you to exciting new places. A permanent change could be in the making due to your experimentation and sincerity.
It was a whim kind of day - but who knows if it will really lead to anything. I went to an audition this morning for a character voice over - the type of spot I usually don't get called for. I'm not one of those people who have a million different voices in their head ... wait a minute, I DO have a million different voices in my head but they stay there and they are all yelling at me. They don't come out of my mouth in a million different forms to help me make money.
While I was there I asked about the commercial I was called back for on Wednesday, being sure to mention that I dragged my kid there with a broken arm. The agent said I didn't get the part, and they are still looking for teen girls, and as Daughter has been harassing me about not letting her audition I told the agent I would be back in the afternoon with Daughter.
She had a sleepover planned at the home of a BFF so I brought them both and BFF got to sit in and watch the audition. I don't think Daughter got the part either, but the agent asked if she could call her again. I refuse to believe that my entire career has been leading to this: showbiz mom. Yet the agent also asked if Son was available (as he stood there with an arm in one sling and about the wiggliest tooth you can imagine still being attached to his gums). So here I am. And I guess my future involves driving my children from audition to audition with makeup and scripts and clothing changes in the car.
Seriously, I thought this was still all about me.
Yes, I'm distracted 3
Distractions abound that may lure you away from achieving today's goals. Stick to your guns and make sure that you finish the job. This isn't a good time to begin a new project.
Distractions like a KID WITH A BROKEN ARM? Where was that warning yesterday? How about "Don't try to micromanage your day with a schedule that will fall apart if even a MINUTE is out of place unless you want something bad to happen." THAT would have been helpful. Because last night I rushed home from 30 minutes away with a crying daughter in tow to get to the hospital and find out that my son - who I had dragged to a talent agency waiting room and my husband's office - had a broken humerus bone.
Is Mom Guilt the most powerful force on earth? I swear it's stronger than kryptonite. Today I ordered a Domino's thin crust pizza for lunch because that's what Son has been asking for for the last 3 weeks. I also let him play video games all day, because it was the only thing he could do. And because I felt incredibly guilty.
So, no new projects today. Unless you count trying how to figure out how to dress a small boy who can't move one arm.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
How about 'practically no action' instead? 5
Taking practical action will ensure your foundation is solid and firmly laid. Eliminating physical clutter will have a cleansing effect on your heart and mind.
Oops. I thought about doing both of these things today but never quite got there. I started out strong, took a walk while listening to "power thoughts." Yes, it is as pathetic as it sounds. I had no real direction until my mom called and asked if I'd update her website. So I tried to be productive but my server wasn't cooperating and oh my God I am totally making excuses for being a slacker all day.
If I'm practical and productive tomorrow will it still count? I probably could get up and do something right now but, you know, House is on and Wilson is back and the new Entertainment Weekly arrived in the mail today and ....
I'm really not helping myself, am I?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Permission slip to be a bitch
You have been holding back long enough. It's time that others realize who you are and what's important to you. Don't think about what's good for anyone else. Don't even ask for advice now, for the answer will most likely be of no help. Pushing your own agenda forward will not only get you closer to your goals, but will also make everyone aware of your abilities.
This is so freakin powerful! I only wish I had an agenda to push. I mean, there are things I want to accomplish and I have started working on them but after reading this even I am afraid of messing with me!
I turned in a magazine article this morning and for the first time did not neurotically ask six different people to read it and give me their opinions first. That might not sound like much, but for me it's pretty big. I'm rarely able to take a step without checking with someone first to make sure it's OK. I don't why I'm that way, but I'm tired of it. So I turned in the article this morning and not only did the world NOT end and the editor did NOT hate it but she wrote back right away and said it was good.
Be aware of my abilities everybody. Be very aware.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Are incense stores open on Sunday evening? 2
Burn ocean incense to cleanse your aura and the atmosphere during an important conversation this evening.
IF I had had an important conversation this evening - and believe me I didn't, the most important conversation after 5 pm being me asking why Son was up past his bedtime playing Rock Band when I got home from skating carpool - I would not have had the necessary ocean incense on hand to cleanse my aura and the atmosphere.
Even if I owned ANY kind of incense (I don't) I can't imagine how the conversation would have gone down.
VIP: We need to discuss something important.
Me: Can you hang on a minute? I need to light some incense to cleanse the atmosphere before we get started.
I can understand the general "light incense" direction I get in a horoscope every once in a while but why the specific scent? And why ocean? And what does ocean incense smell like?
Once again I am reminded of a Seinfeld episode: I don't know the name of it but Kramer tries to create a cologne that recreates the scent of the ocean. I think Calvin Klein ends up creating "The Beach" and Kramer poses in his underwear. Yup, that's pretty much the plot as I recall it. Creating something with the scent of the ocean was pretty ludicrous then and seems equally ludicrous now.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Spiderman rules! 8
Just when you think your influence is minimal, you see how powerful you really are. There's irrefutable evidence today. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility.
I would make a lousy detective because I totally missed today's evidence that I am powerful. Unless you were a germ in one of my bathrooms; then you stood no chance against my powerful disinfecting, scrubbing, and rinsing skills.
I love that my horoscope is quoting Spiderman, though. Husband is a huge fan of Spiderman; we have moved his extensive comic book collection twice now and I think he either plans to use it to fund our retirement or be buried with it. He successfully initiated Son into Spiderman worship at a very young age and "with great power comes great responsibility" is practically our family motto.
"Power" translates to luck, opportunities, and talents as well. If you are endowed at all in our house it is your responsibility to use that wisely. You are obligated not to take good fortune for granted. And I get it now...I may not have influenced anyone or anything in the fundamental sense of the word today, but I have the potential for influence and that is enough.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How do you re-learn how to daydream? 4
When was the last time you had an honest-to-goodness daydream? You know, the kind you used to have in school that were so engrossing and distracting that you didn't hear it when the teacher called on you? If the answer is anything other than 'yesterday,' you need to pick a fantasy today and go for it! You'll have the down time to do it, whether it's during gnarly traffic, at a lengthy meeting or right before bed time. You've got to exercise your creativity and have fun!
How do you manufacture a daydream? I feel like I spend ALL my time daydreaming so I have no idea how to pick just one to concentrate on tonight. And it's not like I had a lot of downtime ... on the commute to skating I was drilling Son on spelling words and pretty much spent the day multi-tasking. I DID have some time while Husband and Son were at Cub Scouts but - for some inexplicable reason - I spent the entire time reading about Sarah Palin in the latest Newsweek. Obviously I have lost my ability to daydream. I'm actually just too plain exhausted. Woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and did some writing. Perhaps I need to daydream about the world's most comfortable bed and no alarm clock tomorrow morning.
re: Sarah Palin. Does anyone else feel like McCain chose her to make us all feel like we're living in the Cat fight episode of Seinfeld? It's like he's doing everything he can to make the girls start fighting.
And I never did figure out who yesterday's Resentful Receiver was. Come on, people, speak up!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Giving Up Giving In 6
Giving more than you take will eventually create resentment with a friend or lover, so practice more balance and awareness.
Let me get this straight, someone is going to resent me for GIVING more than I take? Unless I'm "giving" them a hard time I don't even see how this is possible. Maybe I'm "giving" someone my opinion and they don't want it. THAT is totally possible. I kind of operate under the idea that it's-not-really-an-opinion-if-I-keep-it-to-myself.
I'm dying to know who this is: and what I've been giving away that people don't want. I don't think a horoscope has ever made me so curious.
Whoever you are, speak up! I promise to stop giving you S***.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dream weaver 9
Pluto will turn direct and kick off a new six-month cycle, which will inspire you to recharge and revise some dreams that have been forgotten or on hold.
Interesting. Got an email from a supportive synchro dad/producer who was checking on my documentary progress. There has been no progress; I've pretty much given up since the season started and I realized it wasn't going to happen. But I'd saved all his old emails as they had tons of advice and I read through them again and started looking around again today for someone to partner up with or work with or just plain hand me a big fat check.
I'm noticing, though, that I am not promised that these retreaded dreams will work out, just that I'll be working on them for the next 6 months. I'm just going to go on ahead and act like there'll be money coming in from that.
And now that I think about it, wasn't Pluto demoted from Planet to Spaceball (or something like that) a few years ago? Am I really basing my hopes and dreams on a downgraded space rock?
Why, yes. I believe I am.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Help! I Need Somebody 7
You have friends in high places who are just itching to reach down and give you a hand up the ladder -- whether it be corporate connections, a great stock tip or just some 'been there, done that' advice that could really put you over the hump. So the million dollar question is: How come you're not letting them help you? This pride thing has gotten out of hand. It's one thing to not want to appear needy in front of people you admire, but it's quite another to sacrifice your progress for your ego.
Ouch! I'll admit to the pride thing, but who am I dissing that wants to help me? It must be someone I'm not even aware of, but...I am pretty "I am NOT needy."
I really think I'm at the point where I'd let ANYONE help me; but I know myself ... and I probably would sacrifice progress for ego. Dammit. I HATE that.
So, here I am, open to anything...and anyone. I don't know who is supposed to give me a hand but whoever you are I am grateful and needy and whatever else you need me to be.
Though, I gotta say, I hate to read something like this at the end of a really great day. I had fun. I got to shop with a girlfriend who is styling a photo shoot. I met Joe Faris's wife (Project Runway) at the skating rink. I got my son to try new foods. I had a FABULOUS day!
Your tarot card for this week is the Emperor, which is encouraging you to review the progress you're making and give thanks to Spirit for the new abundance coming your way.
OK, maybe I have a little more time. Maybe the "new abundance coming my way" is the help that I've been refusing. So from now one, I refuse to refuse.
How's that?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
No show, tickets will not be refunded 0
An exciting encounter with someone you admire shows you a favorable direction to take your journey. Act immediately to get this show on the road.
"Journey" has to be the most overused word of the last 10 years. For some reason I blame Oprah, but the cause could be the incredibly uncreative writers of "reality" shows because everyone who gets booted off or rejected or whatever takes their last 60 seconds of TV time to talk about how the "journey" they took on the show has changed their lives.
For the record, I am NOT on a journey. I did not have an exciting encounter today, I was not led in any favorable direction, and I'm pretty sure my show is not on the road.
I was hoping for the exciting encounter all day though - who wouldn't? And I would have acted immediately; I had nothing else to do today. I was primed and ready for immediate action. Though perhaps I should have packed.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
What IS Jupiter's plan for me?
Re: of an email from
What is Jupiter's promise to you?
I had no idea that Jupiter had promised me anything. I was kind of excited - is it chocolate? Alas, no. According to the email (which is trying to sell me some kind of Jupiter-centric astrological report):
The brilliant Sun is forming a harmonious angle to Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. The Sun represents your core self while Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance. It's time to expand your vision of who you are and what you're capable of ... to explore and understand your own powers of expansion.
If there's anything I DO understand it's my own "powers of expansion." If I even sniff a Cinnabon I gain five pounds. I don't really need this power explained to me, unless Jupiter has the answer as to how I can actually eat the Cinnabon without the inescapable expansion.
The email also says:
Understanding Jupiter in your unique birth chart is the key to realizing your potential for growth and fulfillment.
Weeeeeeell, what if Jupiter is not in a good spot in my birth chart? What if Jupiter is at the position that represents Minimal Growth and Fulfillment? Do I really want to know this? Do I really want to spend $17.95, hoping the entire time that Jupiter has a plan for me to eventually become President (or at least Governor of Alaska) only to find out that I've already peaked? That my Growth and Fulfillment are over?
No thanks. I'd rather spend the money on half a manicure.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
You always tease tease tease 0
The money you'll need for an unexpected expense will just happen to be in your hands at the exact moment you need it, thanks to the benevolent Libra Moon.
Oh Libra Moon, why are you being so stingy with me? What did I ever do to you? Did you give the rest of the Pisces the money they needed and ran out before you got to me? "Oh, Stacey won't mind. I'll just send her an incredibly low-paying writing gig and that should keep her happy."
Listen, Moon, I'm already a martyr in my house, I don't need to be the martyr for an entire astrological sign as well. Let someone else do it for a while.
And if the check just got held up in the mail, I apologize for over-reacting.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Stop telling me I'm not good enough! 8
The transitions you've been going through lately have all been very exciting, but you need to be careful not to assume that big changes equal big improvements! A new routine becomes an old routine eventually, so unless you are more conscious of the new things and people in your life, this transformation will be lost on you.
So now I'm not pay enough attention? It's not enough to do the work anymore, and do it well? I don't even know what this MEANS! I don't know who the new things or new people are, but I do know that I am TRYING to pay attention and figure out what I'm supposed to be doing and would seriously appreciate a frickin' break.
Why do I keep feeling like one step forward = two steps back?
I'm trying to calm down. I'm trying to remember that my thoughts create my reality and that if I think I'm in a rut, I will be in a rut. Rut, routine ... whatever.
Maybe I'm feeling desperate because I haven't really slept and my back isn't any better and I'm afraid I'm going to end up having to have surgery that I don't want to have. Or that nothing will ever work out and I'll never get a job.
But you know what? That's ridiculous. I'm not sure if I believe in "transformation" but I do believe that I've been working hard and hard work pays off.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The (not so) great pretender 8
Keep in mind that there's no need to pretend that you are feeling lighthearted if you're not. Hang in there for a couple more days until this dark cloud passes.
Oh, thank God because if this pain (i.e. dark cloud) doesn't pass I don't know what I'm doing to do. Couldn't even bend down to kiss Son good night and as I shut out his light he said with a worried tone "Mom, make sure someone tells me if you die."
Terrific. Now I'm scaring my children.
Back to physical therapy next week for sure.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ready for a rocket ride 7
Anything you start now will take off like a rocket, so start that new project or relationship with confidence.
OK then! I'm starting new websites and job prospects like crazy! My friend Jeanine called me an Atomic Idea Kitchen -- or something like that. And I feel pretty positive. I'm going to ask for everything I want, because I've heard NO before and I'm still alive.
I feel ridiculously confident. Perhaps because nobody spoke up and said Today's Distraction is garbage. Maybe you're all just being polite; but I appreciate it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dreaming 6
If you have been dreaming about making a change in your life, today you will get the chance to start making that dream come true!
Today wasn't any different than any other day. I don't know what was supposed to happen but it didn't. I realize that no miraculous Job Fairy is going to swoop down and whack me with her Magic Wand and I'll instantly and miraculously get paid to do exactly what I want but - honestly - that's what I was hoping for.
Husband and Daughter claim that I use "honestly" too much in conversation. And I probably do. They think it sounds like I'm lying the rest of the time that I'm not saying "honestly." Honestly, I think that's a load of crap.
So what is the change I'm dreaming of? Well, I reeeeeeeally want to make my new blog earn money. I mean I want someone to pay me for writing it. I mean...It feels so me. It feels so "Do what you love and the money will follow."
Here it is if you want to check it out
And if you want to write and tell me that no one is going to pay me to write that garbage I won't mind.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Your attention please 7
It's a good time for you to pay more attention to the areas of your life that you have been neglecting for awhile -- a long forgotten project, a needy neighbor, or a faraway friend. They may be out of sight and out of mind, but they still need your attention.
Definitely reminded of a forgotten project today, when I got an email from an agent who thinks my books looks "cute" but it's not for her. It's not long forgotten; I've been trying to rewrite the beginning and a perfect segue popped into my head the other day. I wrote it in a little notebook which has been lying open on my nightstand for three days now.
So I guess that's two reminders that it's time to pay more attention to my neglected book. Though what else have I been neglecting? Or who? I have lots of faraway friends, do I start calling or emailing and asking which one of them needs me?
Nothing obvious comes to mind and I feel like it should! Don't tell me to focus my attention but not tell me where, Universe. That's hardly fair. Though I was reminded of another project today; maybe that's it.
It can't be it.
The project is a screenplay and I'm a former radio personality and current soccer mom in Michigan with no connections and no agent and there's no way that even if I finish the thing anyone else is going to look at it.
But of course, that's what I'll be working on for the rest of the evening.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Memory lapse in judgment 7
You're more equipped than ever to accomplish what you were striving for long ago. Now what was it again? As soon as you remember, you'll make quick work of attaining the goal.
Oh, for Pete's sake!
When I was in Jr. High my best friend and I aspired to be lady truck drivers. Is that it? I really don't see semi school in my future - and why did I consider that a goal back then? I may have been 13 but I wasn't an idiot. Actually, I probably was. Idiotic enough to think that driving a truck was the best possible way to get out of my one-horse town. I was in the Honor Society, I really should have known better.
So what was I striving for? Is someone going to offer me a job tomorrow that requires me to sleep in, go to the spa, watch TV, watch someone ELSE clean my house and then write about it? Because that's the goal, baby. Oh, and it should pay REALLY well.
Guess I'm not any smarter now than I was when I was 13 after all. Not sure how I'm now more equipped to accomplish this, but I'm willing to go with it.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I know you are but what am I? 5
You don't need to be anyone other than who you are. Consider that the pressure you feel to perform, impress and dazzle your peers may be self-inflicted. You are accepted and loved exactly as is.
Why do I find it so difficult to believe that I am accepted and loved exactly as is? Maybe because I didn't feel very lovable today. I felt hot and cranky and in pain. I felt like I was melting into the lawn at the garage sale and I was very short-tempered with the "customers" who put a book (or anything) back because we told them it cost a quarter!!
I understand times are tight; that is exactly the reason I've been working this team fundraiser garage sale for two days. But, a quarter! For a book! Seriously people, get out more.
I feel this desperate need to perform and impress. Or at the very least, accomplish. All so that I will feel worthy of being loved.
I've read The Four Agreements; I know that if I don't love me I can't really expect anyone else to love me. I also know that if I don't love myself, it's harder to love others.
Why is this so difficult?
Who is walking around in love with themself?
Please let me know how you do it.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Homework due 6
While I am completely open to new passions, especially one that will involve helping others, I have a difficult time imagining myself boosting productivity and/or organization. I can barely maintain organization. In fact, sitting on my nightstand - still waiting to be read - is a copy of Organizing from the Right Side of the Brain. I need to know how to GET organized.

If organization were math I'd still be learning addition and subtraction not attempting algebra.
I didn't discover my new passion today, Universe, but I'm willing to still listen tomorrow. And perhaps I should do my homework and start reading too.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Make it work 9
What others think of your work is overly important to you now, perhaps because you are a bit insecure about the quality of what you do. But being concerned about someone else's judgment is not as useful as learning how to develop your own critical eye.
How could I NOT be feeling this way when I was hired to improv and be funny with strangers on the street? Yikes! I was totally insecure today about the quality of my work; did I over-promise? Was I too cocky? Did I talk my way into a gig that I can't follow through on? I have the oddest mixture of "skills" and I'm insecure about them because sometimes I wonder if they are even applicable in the real world. And is it really a "skill" to be able to stick a microphone in a stranger's face and ask them a ridiculous question?
I guess if you can do it without making them run away, it is.
My critical eye says I pulled it off. I evoked lots of responses, they collected lots of bites, and we finished much earlier than I expected.
THAT is what I do.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The cutest thing EVER (I think) 9
Got the following email from my daughter 10 minutes ago:
okay. look how accurate my horoscope is today:
You seem to have a better attitude today about life in general and even your friends should notice the change. You've been under a lot of stress recently and now it may feel like things are going to improve. This is a prime time to begin any sort of creative project, especially one around the home.
its better casue i passed my test and i have been under a lot of pressure lately and i did want to clean out one of my drawers. very accurate.
I'm really not sure how I feel about this. OK, that's a lie. The girl is 13 years old and if she wants to still do ANYTHING that is remotely like me I am thrilled.
AND she wants to clean out one of her drawers!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Why don't you throw in a flat tire for the hell of it? 6
You'll have to wait for outer blocks to clear. You'll also keep getting mixed messages from others, which will make it difficult to see the truth as the Moon drifts through your sign. Defending your own beliefs will be a sign of your deepening connection with Spirit. You'll be empowered to face a confrontation or conflict in a calm and wise manner this week, thanks to your tarot card, the High Priestess.
Seriously, This is what you're giving me on a MONDAY? Where do I punch out? I don't need mixed messages, or being defensive, or confrontation. This week hasn't even begun and I already want it to be over. I thought what I KNEW I was facing was bad enough: Daughter's big skating test tomorrow, video gig in undetermined city at undetermined time on Wednesday, skating team garage sale this weekend. I don't need any more crap! I don't have time for any more crap.
Universe, I am sitting in the corner and holding my breath until you change my prognosis.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I wish today was my birthday 7
You're making inroads in arenas that have, until now, been closed to you. You're not different; it's the atmosphere that's changed. This is your time, so make the most of it.
I think that I'm hoping this is true more than I believe it really is true. And why would the atmosphere have changed? Is the world suddenly on the look out for slightly dumpy, middle-aged, somewhat sarcastic women?
If so, then it definitely is my time.
If Today is Your Birthday
You are a blessing.
That's it. A blessing. Not a helping hand, or a good friend, or a pretty face. A blessing.
I would love to be a blessing.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Slightly ..... something 6
If you're slightly uncomfortable in a new role, chalk it up to growing pains. Pat yourself on the back for being willing to expand your awareness and influence. You'll be ready for the big opportunities on the horizon.
Totally talked myself into a gig today. In yesterday's audition update I mentioned the man-on-the-street interview gig I was submitted for, and today the agency called and said the company wanted to call me and experience my "zaniness" over the phone so the agent gave them my cell phone number.
I got this call right before heading into a real job interview, which was so tacky and painful that as soon as I got out the door I called the zany-interview gig chick and said "My mission is to convince you to hire me. This is my dream job."
It IS my dream job; walking around with a microphone and a camera, goofing with people and having fun. That is MY idea of work.
HELLO big opportunities!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Love Me Do 9
Be patient with a loved one who continues to rebel or ignore you, and simply restate your boundaries.
That loved one is my son who decided to run away and live in the woods.
I had an audition today so my 20-year old niece, who had her two half-sisters visiting, came over to stay with Son for me. Daughter is still at Boot Camp and I am already spoiled by having a free sitter in the house. Niece, a true doll, pinch hit.
My younger Niece and Son were playing video games and having a grand old time when I returned so I told older Niece to go to her meeting and leave younger Niece with us for a while. Which was great until I interrupted the video games for dinner. After dinner there were disagreements about what to do, where to play, etc. Son and Niece finally decided to go back to video games but Son flipped out when Niece got upstairs and started the game before he could get there. He came downstairs, put on his flip-flops and announced he was running away to live in the woods.
"OK," I said. "But do you want me to pack you some food? You might get hungry."
"I'll eat trees and leaves," Son growled. (I hate it when writers use words other than 'said' but he really did growl.)
"Um, you didn't even like the one green bean I made you eat for dinner," I said. "I don't think you're really going to like trees and leaves. Are you sure I can't pack you some food?"
Son, recognizing my logic, wavered. Then started crying.
"How about I just have some chocolate milk."
He drank the chocolate milk then informed me that his life was still terrible (seriously, this is a boy who played Lego Indiana Jones on the PlayStation 3 for no less than 4 hours today. What the hell does he have to complain about?) and that he was going to live with his friend, M.
So I called M.'s house. No one home.
Fine. Son says he will go live with E.
I call E.'s house, praying that no one is home again but E.'s mother answers. She's a good friend and I haven't seen her in a while as they just returned from a trip. As she is recounting the adventure to me, Son leans forward and says between clenched teeth:
"Cut to the chase."
HOW am I supposed to keep from laughing at this? It's all I can do to keep it together while I change the topic and tell E.'s mom the real reason for my call. She gets it immediately and says that E's older brother eats non-relatives at midnight. She's awesome.
Son and I have a long discussion about why his life is so bad here. He's basically tired of riding around in the car to ice rinks because of Daughter's skating (and who can blame him? I'm over it myself). I tell him that I'm working very hard to keep him out of the car and that Daughter really appreciates his patience because she knows it's been hard on him.
"Yeah. She told me that once."
I simply restated my boundaries. "I love you and will cry every day if you leave."
Those are my boundaries and I'm sticking to 'em.
Audition Update #2
The waiting room was filled with "business" people. Only two were talking and the rest of us eavesdropped on their conversation about working on the movie sets here in town and which stars are difficult to work with. (Oh, Ellen Page, I'm sure you are just misunderstood.) I auditioned with a gentleman (insert throat-clearing) who spent 7 1/2 minutes trying to work out his character's motivation, attitude, history and what he had for breakfast.
Part of me wanted to say, "Dude, it's not brain surgery. Move on." But another part of me wondered, "Am I supposed to be asking questions about my character's motivation? Do I not look like I know what I'm doing because I'm just sitting here and smiling?"
As far as I could tell, my character REALLY wanted everyone to understand that they only had 8 WEEKS to complete the assignment, so I just concentrated on sounding as nice, yet insistent, as possible while I said my lines.
Got home, got a call for another gig that the agency wanted to submit me for. Some thing's gotta hit. Right?